Chapter 2

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My dad smiled at me "Honey go change into something nice we'll be waiting."

I shook my head and walked up the steps and into my room closing the door.

I sighed and jumped onto my bed screaming into my pillow "This is his surprise a family?"

I took a shower and looked for an outfit to wear. I choose a simple dress.

And headed down stairs in slides #noshame.

My dad smiled and gestured for me to take a seat next to Jake.

I sat down and smile "Hi."

The lady smiled "I'm Rose and this is my son Jake."

I looked at Jake who was now focused on his phone.

My dad smiled "I know I should've told you sooner but me and Rose are getting married."

I huffed "How long have you even known her?"

My dad glared then sighed "Quite some time."

I sighed "And you thought that I would be okay if you told me now?"

Tears began to roll out "I thought secrets were over that's what you said."

Rose sighed "Peter I will go get the lasagna."

My dad sighed "Rose I-."

She got up and walked towards the kitchen "Emma that was very disrespectful of you."

I sighed " You've been dating this woman for the past twelve years and I'm disrespectful?"

He gritted through his teeth "It was not twelve years."

I got up and threw my handkerchief on the table "That's sure what it felt like."

I left and Rose called me "Can I speak to you."

I walked over to her "What."

She sighed and took off the mittens "Don't be mad at your dad."

I sighed "That's the biggest secret he could keep from me."

She tried to touch me "Honey-."

I backed up quickly "Do not put your hands on me."

I turned around and walked up the stairs to my room "To think I called off my friends for this bullshit."

I changed and watched TV then there was a knock at the door.

The door opened and my dad stood at the there "I come in peace."

I sighed "What do you want."

He had a plate of lasagna in his hand "You need to eat."

I shook my head "I don't want her lasagna."

He put down the plate and a fork on my desk "Suit yourself but it's right here."

He closed the door and I waited till he was gone. And I pulled out my stash of snacks.

I began to eat and I started to cry "I miss you so much mommy."

In the morning I made 4 pop tarts and ate them with a mug full of water.

My dad walked down the stairs and looked at the plate "You didn't eat it."

I shrugged "I told you I didn't want it."

He sighed and the doorbell rang and he went and opened it.

Rose and Jake was back but this time Jake had school appropriate uniform on.

I watched as my dad and Rose kissed and smiled
"Did you tell her."

He shook his head "Not yet."

My dad looked at me "Jake and Rose are living here now."

I grabbed my keys "I'm going shopping with Haley after school by the way."

My dad grabbed my arm "That means Jake is going your school and you have to bring him."

I eased him "You sit in the back."

When I got to school Haley "So what was the- Jesus."

Jake got out the car obviously flexing his muscles in front of my best friend.

He walked up to me "Are you going to help me find my classes?"

I shook my head "No-."

Haley squealed "Yes!"

Jake looked her "Um."

She cleared her throat and straightened herself "Yes and I am Haley Emma's best friend."

Jake smiled "Great."

We walked around mostly the whole school was starting at us.

As we strolled through the halls the group of girls surrounding Luke left and came to Jake "Hiii!"

Luke jaw clenched and he walked up to us and pulled me aside "Who's that."

I sighed "Are you jealous."

He held my arm tighter "Answer my question."

I tried to pry his hands off of my arm "Let go you're hurting me."

He sighed and walked away and I massage my arm "Freak."

I gasped "How the hell am I a freak!"

He kept on walking ignoring my question I shoved passed the sea of girls and pulled Jake "What?"

I held his arm "We are going to class."

Jake smiled "Does this usually happen here?"

I stopped at the front of the classroom door "When you look like you, yeah."

The teacher smiled and I walked to my seat and sighed and put my head down.


Luke was hovering over me "I am sorry."

I ignored him "Hello I am talking to you."

He sat next to me "Please listen to me?"

I rolled my eyes "What."

He sighed "Look whoever you brought here is ruining my life."

I laughed in his face "You're funny and I am moving."

I got up and moved to another seat and surprisingly it was next to Jimmy.

I sat down "Jim are you okay?"

He lifted his head and his faces was jacked.

My hand clamped over my mouth "Are you okay."

He smiled "I am fine."

I sighed "You don't look fine."

He smiled back at me "Please don't make it a big deal, it was worse."

After school Haley was all over Jake "We are going to the mall to go shopping for a pool party tomorrow."

She smiled "You should totally come."

Jake smiled "I don't have any swim shorts."

Haley smiled "Why do you think we are going to the mall."

I was walking next to Jimmy his friends bailed so we are stuck with Haley and Jake.

We got to the mall and Haley finally left Jake and came to me "I have to find the hottest bikini."

We went on a hunt I tried on the Tommy Hilfiger bikini "Yeah I am getting this one."

Haley sighed "I mean we could match."

I smiled "Of course we can."


Hoped you enjoyed

Till you read again- :)

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