Chapter 14

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I woke up and sat up and Rose came in "Hey you ready?"

I looked at her "I feel like his funeral will help me stop worrying about him you know."

She rested on the door "It's weird that they are doing it early."

I got up "They are leaving and they decided to do it before they do."

She shook her head "What about his Nana?"

I smiled "Their taking her."

Rose smiled "Alright I will be downstairs."

I changed into an all black attire and looked in the mirror.

Haley called me "Hello?"

"Hey babe how you're holding up?"

I sat down on the bed "Fine."

"I am so sorry you lost him."

"I mean you lost him too."

She huffed "He was your damn boyfriend."

I sobbed "I didn't know he was going to die."

I cried "I didn't want him too."

"It's okay Emmy you didn't know, don't put that on you."

I wiped my tears "Yeah you're right."

"I have to go see you."

I hanged up and walked downstairs and my dad smiled "You ready?"

I shook my head and walked to his car and I sat in the back with Jake.

He grabbed my hand "You got this."

I smiled "Yup I do."

Then we got to the church and Kayla was standing outside "Emma."

She hugged me and I wrapped my arms around her "Hey."

She gave me a smile "You were the best thing Jimmy could ask for."

I nod my head in agreement "Thank you."

She shook her head "No thank you."

The funeral began and I found myself sitting beside Jake and Haley.

Luke walked in and sat next to me Isabelle along with him.

I smiled "Hey princess."

She hugged me "I am so sorry you lost Jimmy."

I chuckled "It's fine."

Luke looked at me "I am so sorry."

The funeral ended and I didn't have the guts to look in the casket.

Kayla looked at me "Are you sure Emma?"

I shook my head "I am sure."

I walked outside and Isabelle ran to me "Kim and Luke are fighting."

I walked with her and I heard Kim whining "You sat next to Emma out of all people."

Luke sighed "Are you serious she just lost her boyfriend."

Kim laughed "Doesn't mean she needs you?"

I stepped in holding Isabelle "Look Kim, Luke doesn't like me at all. And he never will you, can keep fighting but he loves you."

Kim looked at Luke "For real?"

He shook his head "No I don't."

He turned to me "I don't like Kim at all. I will always keep fighting for our love because I love you."

I shook my head "No you can't!"

Luke yelled "Why!"

I cried "Because I just lost Jimmy the love of my life!"

Kim shook her head "You are a real dick Luke."

She walked away and Isabelle hugged me "It's okay Emma."

Luke skimmed his hand through his hair "But I really do like you."

I put Isabelle down softly "I have to go."

I left and Rose looked at me "Hey you alright?"

She walked with me to the car "Yeah I am fine I just want to go."

She smiled "Ice cream?"

I shook my head "Yeah sure."

We got ice cream then went home and Jake looked at me.

"I can't stand to see you so broken."

I looked at him "I am fine."

He shook his head "No you're not and it makes me feel like crap."

I looked at him "Please Jake I am fine."

He raised his voice a bit "Then tell me that you're okay with Jimmy's death! Tell me!"

I cried "I am not!"

He hugged me and I cried into his shoulder "You don't have to play the tough act anymore Emma."

I cried "How can I get over him?"

He looked at me "By letting someone else love you."

I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder and whispered "Okay."


It was time to go back to school and I got ready.

Jake looked at me "I am riding with you."

I shook my head and continued to eat my breakfast.

We got to school and everyone was looking at me. I got inside and Haley grabbed me "Emma."

I looked around "Please tell me this has something to do with everyone staring at me."

Haley smiled "Word is around that Luke broke up with Kim because of you."

I croaked "What?"

She shook her head "You never told me that you liked him."

I sighed "It's foggy right now."

Then Kim walked to me "Emma I can't tell Luke not to love you or vice versa but, treat him well."

I shook my head "I will?"

She smiled "I am sorry that you and Jimmy didn't work out."

I nodded "Thanks."

She walked away and Haley scoffed "I was ready for an all out cat fight."

I rolled my eyes "Really."

We walked to class and I sat down in my seat.

Everyone flooded my desk "So are you and Luke like a thing now?"

I shook my head "Um-."

Luke walked in "Yes."

Then a girl stood up "Isn't that kinda weird I mean her-."

I stood up "Me and Luke aren't a thing so please everyone shut up."

Everyone returned to their seats and I looked at Luke "We will talk later."

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