Chapter 7

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One week later....

I woke up and looked up "Happy birthday Mommy."

Then Rose walked in with breakfast "Here you can eat in your room if you want your dad went to work."

I shook my head and took the plate "Thanks."

I freshen up and ate my breakfast and came downstairs to Jake on the couch "Hurry Emma we are going to be late."

I shook my head and put the plate on the bar "Bye Rose."

She waved while washing the dishes "Bye."

When I got to school Jimmy wasn't there and Haley was all over Jake.

Then someone pulled me into a corner and covered my mouth "Shhh."

As I tried to push up something hard was against my butt.

I finally did and looked back "Jimmy you scared the hell out of me!"

He laughed "You couldn't detect me by my 'shhhh'?"

I shook my head "No dummy."

I smiled not telling Jimmy that I felt his dick "Let's skip school."

I looked at him "What?"

He shook his head and grabbed me running out of school.

I hit him in the back "Jimmy put me down!"'

He laughed and continued to run until he stopped "Get the hell out my way."

I heard a chuckle "Obviously she doesn't want to go with you."

"Luke is that you?"

Jimmy put me down and Luke smiled "Hey princess."

I sighed "Don't call me that."

Jimmy held my hand "Yeah she's mine."

Luke rolled his eyes "If I wanted Emma I was going to get her long before you noticed you loved her."

Jimmy jaw tightened and so did his grip "Shutup she doesn't even like you so piss off."

Luke looked at me and I shook my head "Don't look at me I am leaving."

As I tried to leave Luke grabbed my hand "Emma!"

I looked at both of them "Okay let go of my hand."

Jimmy kept this grip and so did Luke "Choose."

I looked at Jimmy "What?

Luke shook his head "Yeah choose me or that asshole."

I looked at Luke "You have Kim!"

Luke laughed "She's just for fun."

At that moment I sighed "If you guys want me to choose I choose none of you guys."

Jimmy looked at "What?"

I turned towards him "I don't want my boyfriend to make me choose cause you are already suppose to know that I love you."

I turned towards Luke "You are a ass."

I pulled my hands from both of the grasp and Luke yelled "Emma please wait."

I was already late for class and I looked between both of them "Let's skip school."

We all met up at the park and we sat on a bench.

I looked at Luke "Why do you like me?"

Luke took a pause "I liked you since middle school but you were so quiet and away from anyone, you didn't come to any activities."

I shook my head "So you got popular and I was just me."

I looked at Luke "Look your already with Kim she really loves you and I love Jimmy okay."

Luke shook his head "Yeah okay I am going home."

I turned towards Jimmy he smiled "I love you Jim."

He kissed me wrapping his hands around me and I smiled "I love you too Em."

We sat there for a while like a perfect couple up until my dad called "Emma why aren't you in school?"

I sighed "Sorry I needed to clear my mind I can't be in school right now."

He yelled "Why not!"

I stood up "Because it's mom birthday since you obviously forgot!"


I huffed "I am not mad at Rose I am mad at you she's was your damn wife all you had to do was remember."

I hanged up in his face before he could say anything.

Jimmy looked at me and I wiped the loose tears on my face "Come here."

I hugged him crying into his chest "I hate him."

Jimmy played with my hair "Don't he's your dad."

I sighed "You never talk about your parents."

He chuckled "They don't want me."

I looked up at Jimmy "Yes they do they just think you probably don't want them."

He laughed "Yeah whatever."

I smiled "What are you going to do for your birthday?"

He smiled "I didn't think you remembered."

I punched him lightly "I have been your best friend for three years I would know your birthday is on Friday."

He smiled "I kinda didn't want to do anything."

I sighed "Can I come over?"

He shook his head "Yeah sure."

I drove to his house and he opened the door and his Nana was sitting on the couch.

She smiled "Emma I haven't seen you in a while."

I shook my head "Yeah it's been hectic."

Jimmy went upstairs and I went to Nana quietly "Do you know his parents number?"

She shook her head and then wrote down the number for me "First one is for his mom second is for his dad."

I smiled and kissed Nana on the cheek "Thanks."

Jimmy came downstairs "So what do you want to do?"

I smiled at him "I have to go babe bye."

He kissed me and I drove home and Rose was in her car "I am going to pick up Jake."

I shook my head "Cool."

I walked inside and my dad was sitting down drinking a bottle of bourbon.

I sighed and sat next to him "Dad it's okay."

He took another swig and looked up his eyes was red "I forgot her damn birthday."

I touched his hand "Dad stop."

He sighed "I forgot."

I smiled "Alright I am going to change."

I went in my room and there was a card on my bed

Dear Emma,

I can't deny my feelings for you. As long as you are alive I will love you forever. You can't just tell someone to not love you it doesn't work like that. It never does you are the closest girl to me since my mom. And I cannot let my feelings go EVER! You can keep dating Jimmy but I will be waiting. Also, meet me at my house at 3:40 we have plotting to do.
Luke $

I smiled tears falling off the side of my face "Awww."


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