Chapter 23

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My dad and Rose were on their honeymoon for a whole 3 weeks.

So me and Jake had the house for ourselves but he doesn't be here at all.

So to re-phrase that I had the house for myself.

The door bell rang and I walked to the door.

Luke was standing in front of the door "Hey Emma."

I smiled "Hi Luke."

He walked in  and sat down on the couch "I know we haven't talked in a while."

I sat down next to him "Luke I am so sorry for ditching you Friday."

He chuckled "It's alright."

I started "It's just that-."

He looked at me his blue eyes filled with emptiness "What?"

I took a deep breath "Liam said that you threatened him about our date."

He scoffed "Why would I even do that."

I shrugged "I don't know."

He got up "I have to go."

I grabbed his arm "I am so sorry to disappoint Isabelle I hope she can forgive me."

He shrugged "Ask Isabelle that not me."

I watched as he left the house and Liam called me.


"Oh hey Liam."

He chuckled "Hello."

I became angry "Why did you lie?!"

"Hold up, about what?"

I huffed "About Luke he didn't even threaten you."

"Yes he did."

"Do you know how many witnesses I have."

He chuckled nervously "Okay fine maybe it was a little white lie."

"Why did you even do that?"

He yelled "Because Luke persuades girls to like him and I didn't want you be another victim."

I laughed sarcastically "I will tell you when I am being persuaded okay. And whatever we had is over because no one, I mean no one makes decisions for me."

I hanged up and tossed my phone on the couch, I just ruined a perfect relationship all because of one little white lie.

I looked for things to do around the house but Rose cleaned before she left.

I rearranged the cupboards twice until I got bored of doing that.

I got onto my computer and browsed through clothes to buy.

Then I rolled around the rolling chair until Jake came in.

He looked at me his hand holding a box of pizza "What are you doing?"

I stopped rolling "Oooh food."

I grabbed the box from him and began to eat.

He grabbed he box and glared at me "Don't grab my pizza."

I chuckled "Thanks."

He sat down next to me "You're welcome."

He looked at me "What's on you mind."

I sighed "I messed up a great relationship with someone for someone else."

He patted my back "Never should've ask."

He took 4 slices on pizza and walked to the living room.

I sighed "I have to make it up to them I have to try."


I know this was short this is more of a filler, sorry.

Hope you liked it though!!!

Till you read again-:)

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