Chapter 4

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I woke up and Luke was hovering over me "You okay."

I shook my head "Fine."

Luke sighed "Dumbass."

Jimmy helped me up "I swear I am sorry Emma."

I chuckled "It's fine."

Jake and Haley walked in "Emma are you okay?"

I got up and brushed myself off " Where were you guys."

Jake smiled "We had-."

"Car trouble." Haley laughed nervously.

I shook my head "Oh."

I watched as Luke and his girlfriend Kim was arguing "Why are you so close with her do you like her?"

He exclaimed "What no, I love you!"

Kim huffed " I am going to get some pizza."

I walked up to Luke "Girl trouble?"

He walked passed me bumping me on the way.

I sighed and sat down on the stairs of the pool.

Jimmy came "Hey."

I smiled "Today is just confusing."

He sighed "I am sorry I almost killed you."

I laughed "Jimmy I said it was alright."

He hugged me "Thanks."

Our faces was close to each other "You're beautiful Emma."

I could feel his breath on my face "Can I kiss you."

My heart raced "Y-Y-Yeah."

Our lips was inches apart "Emma your car!"

I looked up and Luke voice filled my air "Emma your car."

Jimmy muttered "Dick."

I got up and ran towards the front of the house and Luke was leaning on the hood of my car.

"What's wrong with my car?"

He shook his head "Nothing."

I walked up to him and hit him the arm "I was about to-."

He cut in "Kiss Jimmy yeah I know."

I looked at him "You have Kim why the hell do you even care?"

He shrugged "I don't care about you Emma."

I shook my head "Why the hell did you call me out here."

Jimmy came "Emma is your car okay."

I shook my head "Naw there is a asshole on it."

Luke got off my car "Later losers."

Jimmy looked at me "What the hell."

I hugged Jimmy and kissed him and he snaked his arms around me.

He smiled "I fell in love with you Emma."

I smiled "And I fell in love with you Jimmy."

From the corner of my I could see the pain in Luke's face as he watched us.

I grabbed his arm and went to the pool "Come on."

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