Chapter 21

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I sighed and looked at the wall, what the hell is wrong with me.

Isabelle came inside the room "Um Trevor is downstairs he wants to talk to you."

I walked downstairs and Trevor was on the couch "Your little sister man?"

I shook my head "Yeah."

He looked at me "So what's with you and Kim?"

I shrugged "I am just no feeling her anymore."

He crossed his arms "So all that was nothing."

I stared at the wall "I guess."

He huffed "It's that Emma girl isn't it."

I whipped my head towards him rubbing my neck in pain from the whiplash "No?"

He chuckled "Don't do anything stupid man."

I smiled "Don't worry I won't."

He got up and walked to the door "You sister's cute."

I closed the door and sighed "What am I going to do?"

Isabelle walked towards me "Maybe you can make up for being an asshole."

I looked at her sternly "No cursing."

She smiled "You get the memo."

I hugged her "Love you, now get out of here."

She ran away and I sat down on the couch.

I devised a plan to win Emma I got this.

I got a text message from Trevor

Trevor: Heard Emma dad is getting married dinner rehearsal tmrw, good luck ;)

Luke: Thanks

I got up and stretched "Isabelle we are going to the mall!"'

She shrieked "Yes!"

We arrived at the mall and I got the same stares that I always get "Is she your daughter?"

I nodded then waited a while "No."

Then my phone rang "Hello?"

A lady voice responded "Hi Luke can you please come in to work today?"

I groaned "I am really busy right now."

"We will increase your pay check, and you would not have to work tomorrow."

I smiled "Alright then, come in at regular time?"

She chuckled "Yes sir."

Isabelle big blue eyes looked into mine "Do you have to go to work?"

I shook my head "Yes Izzy."

She huffed "You always go to work."

I looked at her "So you want to live in a box?"

She sighed "No."

I smiled "I will buy you anything you want but you have to sleep at grandmas."

She shook her head "Okay."

I dropped Isabelle off at grandmas and went home.

When I got home I went inside and put the bags down.

I took a quick shower and went to work. When I got there Maria was sitting at the front.

She smiled "Good afternoon Luke."'

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