Chapter 12

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I smiled and picked up my phone and called Jimmy "Hello?"

"Happy birthday baby."

He chuckled "Thanks."

I smiled "You're welcome."

He laughed "I gotta go a bunch of people are calling me."

"You go on ahead."

I hanged up and got ready for school and Rose looked at me as I walked downstairs.

"You look very happy."

I smiled "It's Jimmy's birthday today."

She smiled "Yup can't wait for the surprise."

I quickly ate breakfast "Me too."

Rose kissed me on the forehead "Have a good day kiddo."

I smiled "Bye."

I waited for Jimmy at the front of his house.

He got in and threw his bag to the back and kissed me "Morning baby."

I smiled and started the engine "Morning."

We got to school and Jimmy was welcomed with many 'Happy birthday's' from everyone.

He smiled as he thanked the last person and we sat down in our seats "I love you Jim."

He smiled at me "I love you too Em.".

Luke walked in and sat down in the back of me.

Not saying anything to Jimmy I looked back and whispered sharply "It's his birthday."

He looked up "And I don't care."

I rolled my eyes "You can be a real dick sometime."

He shrugged and put his head down.

After class Jimmy went to the bathroom and I met up with Haley.

She looked at me "What's wrong?"

I sighed "Luke he didn't even say Happy birthday to Jimmy."

She pushed a curl back "Maybe he forgot."

I huffed " I told him and he said that he doesn't care."

Haley sighed "Do we really care about him?"

I shook my head "Yeah you're right today is going to be amazing."

After 6th period we went to lunch and Jimmy was in his usual spot.

I sat down with my tray and Liam was smiling at me.

I glared at him "What."

He smiled "You have to record you and Jimmy."

I scrunched my face "Why are you so nasty?"

Liam smiled "Cause I choose to be."

Haley jumped in "So Jimmy what are you doing for your birthday?"

He shrugged "I don't know probably somewhere with Emma."

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