Chapter 10

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Rose came on my room and shook me awake "Emma there is school today get up."

I groaned and sighed "Okay I am up."

She left the room and I got up and went to take a shower and got ready.

When I came downstairs she handed me a plate "Here I have work and Jake went with Haley."

I grabbed the syrup and reddi whip "My dad?"

"At work, bye babe."

She left and I checked the time and I had 2 hours until school start.

I sat down and ate my breakfast and watched a bit of TV.

Then Jimmy called me "Morning babe."

I smiled "Morning Jim what's up?"

He sighed "My car is broken down can you pick me up?"

I shook my head "Yeah sure I'll be right there."

"Thanks babe."

I hanged up and grabbed my school bag, locked the door, and walked to my car.

I got to Jimmy's house and I texted him that I am outside.

He came "Hey babe."

He kissed me and looked around putting his bag on the floor "Where's Jake?"

I huffed and began to drive "His girlfriend got her driver's license."

He smiled "Wow I should congratulate Haley."

I shook my head "Yeah you should."

We got to school and Jimmy ran up to Haley and hugged her "Congrats driver!"

She smiled "Thanks Jimmy."

I looked at her then walked up to her "Yeah congrats Haley."

She looked down at her feet "Thanks."

I walked away and Jimmy looked at me "You see that wasn't so hard."

I rolled my eyes "She couldn't even look me in the face."

He pulled his bag over his shoulders "It's a start."

I got to class and sat down by Luke "Hey."

His head was down and didn't respond "Hello?"

I sighed and got up and he pulled the end of my shirt "Don't leave."

I sat back down ignoring the awkward stares "What is wrong with you?"

He looked at me his eyes was red "Isabelle isn't feeling so good her fever was high this morning."

"Where is she?"

He sighed "At my grandparents house."

I sighed "Luke I don't want to push but where is your parents?"

He sighed "They left me with Isabelle when I was in ninth grade and she was only four."

I rubbed his back "It's okay."

He removed my hand "I am fine."

Class ended and I met Jimmy after class "The craziest thing happened."

I smiled "What, Jim."

He laughed "So we were..."

I got home and Rose was cooking dinner "Hey you alright."

I smiled "Yeah I fine where's my dad?"

She pointed "Upstairs in his study."

I knocked on the door "Come in."

I smiled "Hey dad we haven't talked in a while."

He looked at me "Hey we haven't what's up kid."

I chuckled "I am planning this party for Jim on Friday, his birthday, and I was wondering if you wouldn't want to be there?"

He looked up "Yeah sure you can count on Rose and I to be there."

I smiled "Thanks dad."

I got up "Wait Emma."

He smiled and took off his glasses "I think I am going to propose to Rose soon."

I squealed covering my mouth "Omg dad!"

He smiled "I just need a few more weeks."

I gave him a thumbs up "You got this dad."

I left and and on the way to my room and Haley was walking out the bathroom with a cover.

She didn't notice me and she went back into Jake's room shutting the door.

I went into my room and began to sob, I hate that she thinks she can just "Ahhhhhh!"

Rose ran in the room "Emma are you okay."

I shook my head "No."

She hugged me the smell of chicken filled my nose "Dinner is almost done."

I sighed "Am I a jerk for not liking Haley."

Rose looked at me "Why don't you like her?"

I shrugged "I don't know if I am mad by the fact she didn't tell me she had sex with Jake."

Rose kissed my forehead "It's going to be alright you don't have to be so mad."

I sighed "She could've told me."

Rose sighed "Come help me."

I walked downstairs and there was platters of food on the table "What's the occasion."

Rose smiled "Haley is here she's a guest."

I rolled my eyes "She's been here a lot."

Rose smiled "Well I wasn't here and she's Jake's girlfriend so be nice."

Dinner started, Jake and Haley came downstairs and my dad sat down.

He smiled "Alright let's eat."

I began to get food and put it on my plate and I saw Haley giggling.

Jake hand was under the table and Haley looked as if she was about to have a orgasm.

I finish getting my food "I am going to eat in my room."

My dad looked at me "You'll get roaches."

I smiled "Then I will eat in the kitchen."

I began to eat and sighed "Worst dinner ever."

But Rose food was so good "Forget it, this food is amazing."

Rose patted my back "Glad you like it."

She put the plates in the sink "Why didn't you eat at the table."

I looked up "If I told you, you would puke."

She rested her chin on her hands "Tell me."

I sighed "Jake and Rose were during dirty stuff during dinner."

Rose held her mouth "Oh."

I shook my head putting my plate in the sink and getting up "Told you."

I got to my room and I laid down on the bed "Gosh I am popped."

I looked at my calendar "Almost Jimmy's party."

I changed into my pajamas and cuddled up "Goodnight Emma."

I smiled "Goodnight mom."


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