Chapter 18

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I laid down next to Jake drawing circles on his belly.

"I am worried about Emma?"

Jake looked at me "Why?"

I shrugged "She lost Jimmy and she acting if everything is okay."

Jake kissed me "Emma is strong, and would you rather her crying every two seconds."

I looked at him "Instead of seeing the pain on her face, yes."

He got off the bed and went into the shower and got ready for school.

I did the same "Thanks for staying with me."

He smiled "A pretty girl like you shouldn't be home alone."

I walked down the stairs and looked for some breakfast.

I paused and sat on the couch to gather my thoughts.

Jake walked to me "Hey babe you okay?"

I shook my head "Yeah I am fine."

He kissed me and I smiled in between the kisses "I love you."

He kissed me on more time "I love you too."

We got to school pretty early and I went to class.

I said down in my seat then Finn cane down and sat next to me.

"Haley can I talk to you?"

I looked at him "Yeah what's up?"

He sighed "I really don't know how to put this."

I set my pencil down slowly "Put what?"

He grabbed my hand and I looked across the hall and Jake was kissing someone.

I walked towards him "You're a real dick!"

He gasped "Haley I-."

I yelled "Shutup! You lied all those things you said was I lie!"

He looked at the girl "Go run."

She left and I slapped him "Don't you ever talk to me again."

I went back to class tears rolling down my eyes and I sighed.

Class was about to start and I wiped my tears and found my calm.

Then Emma came late with Luke. I gave them the look that everyone was giving them.

She laughed nervously "Sorry I am late."

She sat down next to me "Tell me that was nothing."

She looked at me "It was nothing."

I watched as she struggled to catch her breath "Tell me the truth."

She looked at me "All he did was drive me."

I looked up "What's wrong with your car?"

She smiled "He offered."

I wanted to tell Emma so bad what happened but I couldn't I refused to.

When lunch came I was walking then I felt someone grabbed me.

He covered my mouth and I began to thrash around.

Jake's voice filled my ear "Calm down."

I pushed myself off of him and he held his hands up "Just breathe."

I took heavy breaths and looked at him "What do you want?"

He smiled "I am sorry?"

I huffed "Is that a question of a statement?"

"Did you tell Emma?"

I walked away and he yelled "Did you!"

I stormed off out of the school and into my car. I am so glad we came leave the school for lunch.

I have and hour and thirty minutes till lunch ends I am going to find somewhere to eat.

I rolled into Jim's and ordered Jimmy's favorite order and Bill looked at me.

"How are you holding up Hale?"


He handed me my food "Have a good day."

I took the food and walked out the restaurant and sat in my car and began to sob.

Then there was a light tap at the window and Finn was smiling at me.

I pulled down the window "Why are you following me?"

He shield his eyes from the sun "Because I am worried about you."

I gave him a slight smile "I am fine go back to school."

He shook his head "Not without you I won't."'

I began to raise my voice "Finn please just leave."

He shook his head "No."

I got out the car "What do you want from me?"

He chuckled "The only thing I want is you."

I laughed "So that's why you wanted me to see Jake cheating so you could get with me?"

He shrugged "You were bound to catch Jake it was a matter of time."

I looked at him "So he has already been cheating before?"

Finn nodded "After like four weeks after he came here he was on a lots of girls."

I clutched the ends of my jacket "Oh."

Then Finn gasped "I didn't know you two were a thing."

I looked up my eyes glossy "Then why did you tell me that he was cheating on me?"

He held his breath "Because you deserve better."

I sniffed "So you're saying you are better than Jake."

He held my hands "I am saying for you to come back to school."

I hugged him "Thank you Finn."

He smiled and hugged me back "You're welcome."

I got in my car and we both drove back to school "And Finn."

His eyes lit up "Yes Haley?"

I smiled "I am not looking for a relationship right now."

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