Chapter 25

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I woke up and Isabelle was sleeping softly next to me.

I darted awake and Luke was on the other side of the bed.

He stirred awake and looked at me "You actually look nice when you wake up."

I covered up my face with the pillow "You guys slept here last night?"

He sighed "We were in no condition to drive."

I looked at Isabelle "Let's go talk downstairs."

We tiptoed downstairs and I checked the time "10:30 no point in going to school."

He looked at me and walked to the living room and pulled a duffle bag "I had a feeling that we were going to stay."

I shook my head and called Jake "Hey Jake."

"Hey Emma, where are you?"

"Home I am not going to school."

"Alright I didn't go in your room to wake you cause you came in pretty late last night."

"Thanks for giving me my privacy."

"Alright bye loser."


I hanged up and set my phone down "So you can go take a shower and I will take one in my room."

He smiled "Can't we take one together?"

I pushed his chest "Ew and were not even dating."

He frowned "You're right."

I went in my room and toke a nice shower and changed and Isabelle woke up.

She looked at me with her sleepy eyes "What time is it."

I sat down next her "Late we aren't going to school."

She looked around "Where's Luke?"

He barged in the room "Right here."

Isabelle ran and hugged him "You smell like daisies."

He smiled "Say thanks to Emma's soap."

"Can I take a shower next."

He handed her a towel "Here knock yourself out."

She ran to the bathroom and I laughed "So what do you want to do today."

Luke shrugged "I don't know but we have to stop at my house first."

I shook my head "Yeah, okay I am going to go change."

He sat down on the bed "Okay, I don't mind."

I laughed "Get out Luke."

I shoved him out the room and looked for clothes to wear. I looked between fancy and casual.

I chose unicorn overalls and a white off the shoulders shirt and white Levi's.

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