Chapter 9

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There wasn't any school today so I stayed in my room for a while.

I had to call Jimmy parents I am scared, but I love him.

I ringed his mom's number first "Hello?"

I smiled "Is this Jimmy's mom?"

"Yes it is who is asking?"

I started to walk around the room "I am Jimmy's girlfriend Emma?"

"Nice to meet you Emma I am Kayla."

I shook my head "Kayla as you know Jimmy's birthday is on Friday."

"Yeah okay?"

I smiled "And I was wondering if you could come down here as a surprise."

She whispered to someone and then talked aloud "Yeah me and his dad could make it."

I smiled "Okay I will text you the address when I get details on the party."

"Oh and Emma?"


"Thank you."

I smiled "You're welcome."

I took a shower and came downstairs Rose was making waffles "Good morning Rose."

She didn't lift her head "Morning."

I walked to her "Is everything alright?"

She looked at me tears rolling down her eyes "Rose what's wrong?"

I hugged her and she sobbed in my shoulder "Just don't worry about it."

I sighed "Okay then."

I hugged her one more time then released her "Where's Jake?"

She pointed "Outside on the porch."

I smiled and opened the door "Jake we-."

I watched as him and Haley we making out on the porch "Emma!"

I rolled my eyes and slammed the door walking towards the couch and opening the TV.

Rose looked at me "Everything alright?"

I smiled "Just fine."

I watched TV until my dad came home "Hey Em."

I looked back "Hey dad."

He looked towards Rose "I'll be upstairs."

Then Jake came in "Mom can me and Haley go to the movies."

I bit into a sandwich "Who's going to bring you?"

He smiled "Haley has her driver license."

I got up and looked out the window "She didn't even tell me."

Jake chuckled "I am pretty sure you were the one who told her not to talk to you."

I pushed him out the door "Yeah, get out."

He laughed "See you guys later."

I went upstairs and changed into something else "Rose I have to go look for places for Jimmy's birthday."

She shook her head "Okay babe good luck."

I got my keys and looked at different places for parties.

As I hopped to and fro from restaurants Luke called me "What?"

He sighed "You don't have to be so rude."

"I am  not rude, did you think I forgot?"

"I am sorry it's the hormones." 

"Just shutup what do you want?"

"Um where are you going?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I am looking at your location and you are driving like crazy."

I huffed "Why the hell are you watching me?"

He sighed "Well I am bored and Isabelle doesn't want to talk to me."


"Because I touched you in a weird way yesterday."

I smiled "And I care because?"

He groaned "I just need someone to talk to."

I rolled my eyes "And I am busy."

I hanged up the phone and began to look for more restaurants.

Then Jimmy called "Hello?"

"Why are you driving so much."

Damn is everyone looking at what I am doing "Why are you watching me."

He sighed "I know you were at Luke's house."

"I was just telling him to back off with the Jake thing."

"And then go out for ice cream?!"

I started to get mad "With his little sister!"

He stopped "Oh."

"And why are you complaining now we were just all over each other last night!"

"I just remembered."

"You are really horrible boyfriend you can never just let me do what I have to do you are always doubting me. The shit I do for you, you can't even imagine!"

I hanged up in his face and kept looking for a restaurant I finally found one and reserved a table for us.

I texted his mom the address and the time.

When I came back home it was quiet accept for faint crying "Hello?"

I got to the kitchen and Rose was on the floor bruises on her body.

I kneeled down and hugged her "That's why you were crying earlier, my dad?"

She didn't say anything just kept on crying and my dad came downstairs.

He looked at us "Rose get your ass up and make some dinner."

I looked at my dad "You need to calm down and stop touching her."

He chuckled "What the hell you're going to do about it?"

I yelled "Is that why mom was never afraid to die! Because you fucking abused her she's was your wife you woman abuser!"

He tried to swing me with the bottle but I ducked and stabbed him in the arm.

Then Rose got up and ran upstairs and I ran with her clutching a knife.

Then my dad pulled my leg then yelling "Beep! Beep!"

I woke up and I was in my car and people were honking me.

I began to drive home and sat in the parking lot. "Is my dad abusing Rose?"

I came inside the house and everyone was eating dinner "Rose can I talk to you?"

She shook her head and came to me "What happen?"

I sighed "Can you please tell me why you were crying."

She smiled "It's nothing."


She looked at me "Okay my best friend is dead."

I gasped "Are you alright."

She shook her head "Yeah I am fine."

I smiled "You guys saved some for me?"

We walked to the kitchen and she pulled out a plate from the microwave "It's still hot."

I smiled "Thanks."


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