Chapter 3

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I was driving and Jake smiled "You're friends are nice."

I focused on the road "Hmmm."

He added "Especially Haley she's cool."

We got to the house and I got out the car and opened the door.

My dad and Rose was making out on the couch half naked "What the hell!?"

They both screamed and pulled the cover on top of them "Honey how was-."

I cut in "Don't."

I stormed to my room and locked the door rolling up in a ball.

I cried for the fact that my dad had let go of my mom. She's just a memory to him and Eugene too.

They will never replace my mom and brother, never.

I came downstairs looking for some dinner "Emma.."

I looked at my dad "Look just don't talk to me okay."

He sighed "I am sorry I-."

I slammed the pantry door "Did you forget about mom and Eugene?"

My dad shook his head "Of course not why would you even think that?!"

I sighed and tears began to flow out "The way you were sticking your tongue down Rose throat says otherwise."

I walked off and my dad grabbed my hand "Look I let you off the hook for a while but I am your father and you will treat me like it."

I pulled my hand out his grasp "Whatever."

I ran upstairs and locked my room door and cried until my eyes were puffy and I could barely see.

There was a knock at my door "Emma?"

I sighed "Jake leave me alone!"

"I need a towel."

I got up and opened the door throwing the towel in his face and slamming the door.

I darted towards my bed and then he opened the door "And I wanted to talk to you."

I crossed my arms "Can you leave me the hell alone I am not in the fucking mood."

He shook his head slowly and walked away closing the door.

I fell asleep and sighed.

I woke up to my phone ringing and I answered it. 

"Emma you look like a troll."

I threw the phone on the bed "Luke how the hell did you get my phone number??"

He laughed "I wanna see you again."

I hanged up and sighed looking at my phone

10 missed calls from Unknown

"Did he really call me 10 times?"

I got up and took a shower and called him back.

"Wow you look way better."

I rolled my eyes "What time is your party."

He smiled "11."

I looked at him "In the morning??"

He shook his head "Everybody is here already."

I hanged up in his face and called Haley "What time is the party."

She applied lipstick "12 why?"

I smiled "Thanks."

I put on my bikini under my clothes and texted Haley to pick up Jake.

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