Chapter 20

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One month later....

I sat down as Rose threw items at me "None of these are perfect."

I looked up from the card "Keep looking."

She sighed and rummage through her closet "I thought I had a good one."

I hinted "Didn't we go dress hunting the other day."

She smiled "You are right let me look."

I looked at the time "Come on its already 6 and it's starts at 6:30."

She glared at me "I am not going to be late for my own rehearsal dinner."

I looked at my nails "Sure looks like it."

She looked back "Can you just get off your ass and come help me."

I got up and walked to the closest and looked for a dress.

She sighed "I wish the boys were here."

I looked back "You mean you with my dad was here."

She shook her head "Shut up."

I chuckled "I mean it's only two days and remember seeing each other on their weeding day is bad luck."

She crossed her arms "Does this look like a movie?"

I shook my head "No but-."

She stopped me "Keep on looking."

I handed her a dress "Here how about this one."

I handed her a white dress with no sleeves and two splits down the sides.

She smiled and ran to the mirror "Thank you!"

She smiled and ran to the mirror "Thank you!"

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She turned towards me "Go on get ready."

I hurried to my room and pulled out the dress that I picked out.

I slipped it on and walked to Rose "So how do I look?"

Rose looked up and her jaw dropped "Literally drop dead gorgeous."

I went to the mirror and looked at myself "Thanks."


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