Chapter 6

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I woke up and I smiled Jimmy was so sweet last night I kinda feel bad for kissing Luke.

And the fact that he admitted that he liked me was horrible I am so used to him not liking me.

I sighed and rolled out of bed and got ready for the day.

When I came downstairs my dad smiled "Morning angel."

I poured some cereal in a bowl "You're in a good mood?"

Rose walked downstairs "Morning honey."

I looked between them "I am going now."

They laughed and I ate cereal in the dining room. Over the past days I have gotten closer to Rose.

I smiled and then my alarm went off "Alright bye you guys."

My dad tugged my arm "Jake?"

I went upstairs scared to open the door but Jake was on his phone "Hey."

I gave him an uneasy smile "Come on."

We got to school and Haley smiled "Hey Emma."

I saw Jimmy I front of the school and I turned to Jake "Gotta go."

Jimmy kissed me "How's my baby."

I smiled "Good."

He hugged me "Come on."

I glanced at the crowd of girls waiting for Jake "Wow he has a lot of fans."

I shook my head "I know right."

We got to class and I sat next to Jimmy "I have to tell you something."

He looked at me all flirty "What is it babe."

I sighed "Me and Luke kissed."

He looked at me "What?"

I sighed "Last night you were saying no secrets so I have to tell you."

Then Luke walked in the class and winked at me "He's gonna get it."

I pulled Jimmy down with all my force "Please no."

He looked at me "Do you like him?"

I shook my head "No I don't."

He sighed "How may times it happened."

"Only once he needed my help to get his revenge on Jake."

Jimmy cracked a small smile "Because he took his girls."

I shook my head "Mostly yes."

He laughed "Funny."

After school Luke walked up to me "Hey-."

"I told Jimmy we kissed."

He stopped in his tracks "Why?"

I sighed "I didn't tell him anything about you liking me."

He skimmed his hand through his hair "Okay was he mad?"

I sighed "The fact that you winked at me in the middle of it, yeah he's not mad."

He looked down at his phone "Kim needs me I have to go."

I wave him goodbye "Bye."

I got to my car and I saw Jake and Haley kissing "Get the hell off my car."

Haley got off and looked at me "Oh, hey."

I rolled my eyes and got in my car and Jake hopped in "Haley is a pretty nice person."

I tapped the steering wheel lightly with my fingers "Talk again you're walking home."

Jake sighed "Sorry I didn't want you and Haley to stop being friends."

I began to drive "It doesn't matter it was bound to happen."

Jake looked at me and sighed "No it was not."

When we got home I smiled at him "It's fine Jake as long as you love each other."

I walked up the stairs ignoring the greetings from my parents.

I paused and began to break down on the steps Rose ran up to me "Hon you okay."

I yelled shoving her "Get away from me!"

My dad ran up holding me in his arms "Emma breathe."

I cried into my dad's arm as the house stood silent "It's okay."

I wiped my tears and then slid out my dad's grasp "I'll be in my room."

I got to my room and put down my bag and took of my shoes.

I called Jimmy "Hey."

"Are you alright Em you sound sad."

I began to cry again "I called Rose my mom."

He paused "It's okay."

I shook my head "I don't wanna forget her."

He chuckled "Letting someone else in doesn't mean you're forgetting her."

I sighed "Yeah you're right."

"You want me to come over."

I shook my head "No it's fine."

He sighed "Alright bye babe."

I smiled "Bye."

I hanged up setting my phone on the nightstand and curling into a ball.

Rose walked in "Emma?"'

I looked at her "Rose I love you."

She walked to me hugging me "I love you too."

I smiled "Time does fly huh."

She laughed "It's been a while."

I slid out for the hug "Want help making dinner?"

She shook her head "I was just going to come ask you."

We walked downstairs towards the kitchen "Where's my dad."

Rose looked at me "He went to work honey."

I shook my head "I almost forgot."

Jake walked in with an empty bowl "Mom is it okay if Haley comes over."

She shook her head "Ask Emma it's her house."

I smiled at Rose then looked at Jake "I am trying to keep my distance hang with her at the park."

Jake sighed and muttered "We can't fuck at the park can we."

Rose looked towards him "Jake.."

He huffed "Sorry."

After dinner was made I ate with Jake and Rose.

I looked at my calendar "My mom birthday is in a week."

Rose looked at me "Do you want to do anything?"

I shook my head "Me and my dad never did anything expect open our family album."

Rose looked shocked "That's it."

I shook my head "Yeah."

She explained "Jake and I for his dad we would shoot fireworks into the sky revealing his initials."

I smiled "That's sweet."

Rose smiled "Yeah."

I questioned "Can we do that this year?"

Rose smiled "I don't see why not."

Jake groaned "Work I can hear it calling my name."

I laughed " You're so lazy."


Thanks for reading!!!

Till you read again- :)

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