Chapter 16

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I woke up and I felt like my inside's were crushing me.

I ran to the bathroom and began to puke "Ohh."

Rose came in "Emma did you wake-."

I continued to puke and she ran in and held my hair as I continued.

She sighed "Same thing happened to me."

I flushed the toilet and washed my hands and mouth.

I looked at Rose "I think we should stop eating ice cream."

She laughed "Take a shower I made breakfast downstairs."

I took a shower and brushed my teeth and Rose was cleaning up the kitchen "I will finish."

She looked at me "It's fine Emma I am almost done."

I toke the broom away from her "Let me."

She chuckled "Now you want to do all the work?"

I smiled "You are getting married go plan."

I pushed towards the living room and she laughed "Fine I guess I could look a few things."

I finished sweeping and put the broom away and sat next to her "So?"

She shrugged "I don't know."

"What do you want at your wedding."

She began to think "Flowers a lot of flowers um I don't know."

Then I gasped "We should find a perfect group to cater and do all those things."

She nodded "Yeah we could, we have to look though."

I shook my head "Girls trip!"

She laughed "Come on let's go ask around."

I changed and we went to stores to shop then Rose walked up to a lady "Hi."

She waved "Hello."

"Did you have a nice wedding?"

She shook her head "Yeah it was amazing."

I smiled "Well I am having a wedding and could you maybe tell me the company that you had."

She shook her head "Yeah sure I actually have a card."

She went through her purse "Here they are really good congratulations."

Rose smiled and hugged the lady "Thank you."

She walked up to me "That was really easy."

I smiled and threw a bag of Spicy Chetto Puffs in the cart "It doesn't get easier than this."

Then I was standing in the line and I saw Isabelle running across the store.


Rose tugged me "Come on Emma let's go."

I turned around and she was gone "Yeah sorry."

I loaded the stuff onto the belt and the cashier smiled at me "Good morning."

I smiled nervously "Morning."

He looked at me in a way that Rose noticed "Hello eyes right here."

He continued to stare at me "For real stop staring at my daughter before I make you."

He ignored Rose threat until it was too late and Rose punched him.

He touched his cheek "Oww, what the hell!"

The manger came and looked at Rose "Is there a problem here?"

Rose huffed "I would like to finish my order and go."

Rose paid for the items and we left and I laughed when we got in the car.

"Rose that was freaking awesome."

She smiled and started the engine "I mean he was looking at you."

Then I realized "You could've got in big trouble."

She looked at me "I love you it doesn't matter."

I smiled and hugged her "I love you Rose thanks."

When I came home Luke car was in the lot.

"Why is he here."

I came inside and Luke was sitting on couch talking to Jake.

Jake got up "Emma Luke wanted to talk to you."

Luke smiled and got up "Emma I-."

I shouted "What don't you understand!"

He stuttered "I-I-I w-w-w-."

I yelled "Just leave me alone!"

I put down the groceries and stormed away in my room.

I closed and locked the door and threw myself onto the bed.

"Gosh he's such a pain in the ass."

Then there was a knock at my door "Hey can I come in."

I opened the door and let my dad in and he sighed.

He looked at me "What's going on baby."

I crossed my feet "Are you ready."

He shook his head "Always."

I started "As we all know Jimmy died and I really loved him dad. After mom and Eugene he was the closest thing to me. Then Luke strolls up and starts telling me that he loves me and junk. And now Jimmy's dead and Luke think this is his way of making me like him. But guess what! I already love him and I just need space to get over Jimmy and accept that he's in a better place. But, Luke won't let me! He keeps aggravating me and all I need is to breathe."

My dad hugged me "Now just go down there and tell him that."

I shook my head "I can't."

He looked at me "Why not."

I shrugged "Because everyone I love dies."

He laughed "I am not dead."

I cried "But those cigarettes will kill you."

He huffed "If I quit will you tell Luke?"

I smiled "I will give you a month."

He hugged me "I love you baby."

I hugged him "Thanks dad I love you too."

Do you think Luke's trying a bit too hard?

Tell me in the comments! And don't forget to vote!

Till you read again -:)

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