Chapter 22

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I woke up and smiled "Hehehe."

I walked to Rose's room and whispered in her ear "Here comes the bride."

She woke up and smiled "Hey kid."

Then I shook her "Come on we are going to be late!"

I ran to my room and toke a shower and put on a simple shirt and joggers.

I ran to my closet and pulled out the dress with a wrap around it.

She handed me hers "The GPS says it's 20 minutes away."

I shook my head "Okay."

We flew down the stairs and Rose pointed "I'll get the box of breakfast bars and water go start the car!"

I got her keys and loaded the things in the car. I sat down in the driver side and backed out the parking lot.

I put down the window yelling "Rose let's go!"

She ran out the house and got in the car "Alright let's go."

I sped off and reached to the hotel and ran inside.

I saw my dad and pushed Rose into a closet closing the door "Hey dad."

He hugged me "Hey where is Rose?"

I shook my head "You can't see her dad now hurry off."

He left and I made sure that he was gone and pulled her out "Sorry."

She brushed her self off and looked at me "You aren't watching TV for a week."

I gasped "Let's go before he comes back."

We got the room and everyone was already there and they grabbed Rose.

I sat down on the couch and sighed heavily. Then the ladies looked at me "You don't want your nails done."

I glanced at my nails, the gel was braking off and half of fingers had no polish.

I looked up "Sadly, yes."

She pointed towards the room and I slowly walked towards it.

They arranged the room so it looked like you were stepping into a mini nails salon.


A lady walked out the bathroom and looked at me "Do you want your nails done."

I shook my head "Yes, please."

She patted towards the seat and I sat down "Acrylic or Gel?"

I looked up "Gel."

She smiled "Alright take off you slides."

I took them off and she began to work on my feet.

She rubbed something on my feet "Alright this is going to hurt."

I began to look down "What are you... Ahhhhh!"

She pulled off the waxing sheet and I covered my mouth "Sorry sweetheart they were too hairy."

In a low voice I whispered "I shaved last week."

She pulled off the other ones each causing more pain.

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