Chapter 13

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I got onto my knees right next to Jimmy. He grabbed my hand "It's okay."

They guy brought two more people into the restaurant "Alright this can go two ways."

The other guy chimed in "You can easily hand over your wallets and phone."

Then the other guy walked up "And if you don't people die."

I looked at Jimmy "I am so sorry."

They guy yelled "No talking!"

I directed my attention back to the front and sighed.

They went one by one picking up everyone's things.

Then a woman refused "No!"

They guy shrugged "Okay then."

He shot a guy in the head and she yelled "Mark no!!"

She sobbed and began to wail loudly.

Everyone gave up there things and he got to me "You have two choices."

I looked up "What?"

He chuckled "Have sex with me and everyone gets back their items and no one else dies."

I huffed "What do you mean no one else has to die?"

He sighed "You say no and I shoot someone."

I looked at Jimmy and he shook his head "Do it."

I felt like the world was resting on my back. But I know if I say yes Jimmy would never forgive me.

I sighed "No."

He got up "Fine."

He shoot someone else and blood hit me in face and all over my clothes.

I looked to the right and Jimmy was bleeding out "No!"

I fell down next to him holding his wound "No Jim please."

I heard sirens coming close and the guys dropped everything and ran.

I began to mumble "No no no no."

He smiled at me "I love you Em."

I screamed "Jimmy no!"

Jake pulled me off of him "Emma you have to move."

I tried to grab Jimmy "No!"

His mom was sobbing into her husband shoulder and the paramedics were swarming around Jimmy.

I tried to catch my breath "No."


I watched as Jimmy laid in the bed motionless.

His mom walked up to me "Emma I am pulling the plug."

I didn't move I just stared at Jimmy "I should've said yes."

She shook her head "You don't know what could've happened if you did."

I looked at her tears running down my face "I do know what could've happen."

I looked towards Jimmy "He would've lived."

Kayla sighed and hugged me "Emma it's been four days go home."

I shook my head "I wanna go back to Jimmy's house I wanna sleep in his bed and wear his clothes."

Kayla began to cry "No Emma you can't."

I sobbed "Why?"

She took a deep breath "Because you'll never get over him."

I cried "Jimmy was best friend and my boyfriend, how could I?"

The doctor walked in and looked at Kayla "Are you ready Mrs. Blane?"

I shook my head "Please don't."

She nodded "Yes."

I cried as they pulled it and his heart beat flatlined.

Everything went slow like the day of his birthday, Kayla was helping me up.

And the nurse was doing something to Jimmy.

I came outside and Rose ran up to me "Oh Emma."

I cried into her shoulders "He's dead."

She sighed "I know babe, I know."

We walked to her car and I sat down in the passenger seat.

She began to drive home "School is canceled for the juniors for a week."

I sniffed "Because of Jimmy?"

She shook her head "Yeah."

When I got home my dad ran up to me "He's dead daddy."

He hugged me and kissed my cheek "I know baby."

My dad let me eat ice cream and watch movies.

Rose came to me "It's one in the morning."

I looked at her "So?"

She sat next to me "You need to rest."

I sighed "I will."

She took the ice cream away and covered me in a blanket "I love you Emma."

I smiled "Love you."

She left and I put on a movie and fell asleep.

When I woke up I heard a voice "Is she okay."

Rose answered "Yeah she's fine,what's your name again?"


I opened my eyes and wrapped the blanket around me "Hey babe."

I looked back and there was no one there "Hey Rose."

She smiled "You go wash up and I'll make you your favorite breakfast."

I smiled "Thanks."

I came back downstairs and Rose set a plate for me "There was a guy here."

I sliced my pancake "Really, who?"

She sat next to me "This boy named Luke he was worried about you."

I began to eat "He was wasn't he."

She shook her head "Yeah I didn't see him at the party?"

I felt a pain in my chest "Can we not talk about that."

She muttered "Shit."

Then Jake came downstairs "Emma I haven't seen you in a while."

I waved at him "Hi."

He hugged me "How are you holding up?"

I shrugged "Fine I guess."

He looked at Rose "Mom where's my breakfast?"

She rolled her eyes "Get your own."

I chuckled and Jake sighed "Fine."

Rose sighed "I never noticed how lazy he was."

I smiled "I am glad you finally know."


Hope you all enjoyed.

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