22-Seungjin : Find A Soulmate pt.3

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Okay, before I start this chapter, one of my friends who reads this story has for some reason been getting reported for her comments. There is nothing wrong with them so if you've done so, please don't do it again. Anyways, enjoy the last part!!

Title: Find A Soulmate

Ship: Seungjin

Seungmin has not left his room since the incident. He did not see a point in leaving as his soulmate did not want him.

How were they soulmates if one did not even want the other.

There was a knock at his door, and Seungmin slowly turned to look at his door, waiting for someone to say something from the other side.

"It's Hyunjin." The voice said after the long silence.

"What are you doing here?" It's been days.

"Because I need to clear up what I said. You took it in the wrong way and I don't want this all to stay like this."

Seungmin took a deep breath.

"Come in." Go away.

Hyunjin opened the door, coming inside, awkwardly. He sat across from Seungmin on his bed, looking at the boy who looked as if he had gotten no rest with his knees pulled up to his chest. Under his eyes were purple, his eyes themselves being red and puffy. His hair was a mess. Pieces of hair stuck out at different places, each one a different length. It was clear that he had been crying for the last few days.

"Seungmin, What I was trying to say was, I thought I didn't have a soulmate. I was shocked. Especially over the fact that you had figured out before me. I did, imagine you as a soulmate, I've done it before. But I have with so many people because I felt lonely." Hyunjin stopped and took a deep breath.

"And I didn't come here these last few days because I sat at home, trying to organize my feelings. And I've come to realize." Hyunjin stopped and made sure their eyes were locked.

"I'm in love with you, Kim Seungmin. Please never think otherwise."

Seungmin smiled, before jumping forward onto Hyunjin, hugging him as they lied on Seungmin's bed. They both held tightly onto each other.

Hyunjin placed gentle kisses wherever he could reach on Seungmin's face, the younger giggling at the gentle touches.

"So, Kim Seungmin, will you do the honors of being my boyfriend?"

"The honor's all mine."

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