28-Changlix : Precious and Pure

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Title: Precious And Pure

Ship: Changlix

"Felix, really. Come on." Felix's cousin spoke in English as he dragged him through the Korean airport.

"I don't wanna." Felix complained. "I never agreed to live here."

His cousin kicked him, causing Felix to almost trip.

"Chan!" He yelled, ripping his hand from the older and pushing him, harshly.

Chan was careful not to be pushed into anyone as he returned right next to Felix. He scowled at the boy's low awareness level. "Felix, Korean airports are way more crowded than Australian airports." He said, smacking the younger boy's head.

"Ow!" Felix let out, scoffing as Chan took his hand again and continued to drag him out of the airport.

The two eventually made it out of the airport with Felix's things. They hopped into Chan's car and Felix could not be more relieved to be away from the crowd.

"Alright, so I don't know if your mom told you but I live with six other people." Chan explained, earning a groan from Felix.

"No, she didn't tell me."

"Okay, well, you won't be staying in the same room as me since I already have a roommate. You'll be staying with Changbin. Who is your Hyung." Chan explained.

"What's a Hyung again?"

"Older male of a male." Chan explained.

"Okay. So you're my Hyung?" Chan nodded.

They arrived at the 4 roomed house and got out, two boys running out to help.

"Hey, Hyung!" One of the waved as he reached Chan.

"Hey, Jisung. Hey, Seungmin." Chan greeted.

"This is Felix."

The only word Felix understood out of that sentence was his own name.

So he waved at the other two, assuming Chan had just introduced him.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Jisung." The boy bowed. Luckily, Felix understood that entire sentence and smiled.

"Same here, I'm Seungmin." The other boy bowed.

"My name is Felix." Felix bowed back. "Nice to meet you." He said, hoping he did not make any mistakes.

"Need help?" Jisung asked?


"He asked if you needed help, Felix."


Both boys looked over at Chan with a questioning look. "Is he not fluent?" Jisung asked.

Chan shook his head, confused as to what was happening. "He's still learning. He just started learning a week ago so, he's very low on his vocabulary." Chan explained.

Felix stared in confusion. What were they saying?

"But I can help Felix. He's staying with Changbin. Where is he?" Chan asked, grabbing one of Felix's luggage. Felix followed and also grabbed his things.

"In the living room, arguing with Minho." Seungmin answered, pointing back at the house.

Chan sighed and looked over at Felix, chuckling at his confused facial expression.

"What?" Felix said in English, causing the older to break out into a louder laugh.

"Why is Felix here if he can't speak a lot of Korean, then?" Seungmin asked, innocently. The only words Felix catching was 'Why is Felix'.

"He applied for a college here because his mom told him too and didn't expect to get accepted. He found out only a week before he had to come here. So, we're going to help him." Chan explained, setting a hand on Felix's shoulder, who only understood part of the paragraph.

"Oh, okay." Seungmin sang.

They brought Felix's things inside were immediately met with Changbin. Felix did not know someone could look so perfect.

Changbin stared at him, causing Chan to sigh.

"Changbin, this is Felix. Felix, this is Changbin." Chan said.

Changbin continued to stare before nodding.

"He'll be staying in your room."

"Cool." Changbin answered.

"I have to go. See you around, Felix." Changbin said, moving around them and out the door.

They got Felix settled in, and Felix felt quite nervous.

There was such a language barrier between him and his roommate. This made him nervous.

Changbin arrived home and made his way towards his room, opening his door he saw Felix sitting at the desk with a textbook open. He looked up and waved at Changbin with a smile on his face.

"Hello, Hyung." He said.

"Hey." Changbin answered, closing the door as he set his things down. He came over and sat down next to Felix.

He looked down at the textbook to see it was an English to Korean textbook.

"How much Korean do you know?" Changbin asked, but Felix just gave him a confused look.

"Uh..." Changbin was not sure how else to explain it.

Changbin decided to look at Felix's practice of writing it.

"Bad?" Felix asked when he saw Changbin was looking at his practice.

"Huh? No, no. It's good." Changbin said, giving him a thumbs up.

Felix smiled and Changbin melted. He did that. By simply saying he was doing good.

"Fighting." Changbin said, putting up a fist. Felix returned the gesture. Changbin chuckled as he stood up. He ruffled the boy's hair and sat down on his bed.

He could only think Felix was precious and pure.

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