146-Jeongchan : It's You

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Title: It's You

Ship: Jeongchan

Jeongin lived in a poor neighborhood where everyone took care of everyone. The adults were always out, trying to find work. So the eldest kids were always looking after the youngsters.

But Jeongin always thought it was Chan who took care of them the most.

Jeongin pushed himself up from the mud, knocking the little kids off of his back with many giggles following. Jeongin sat on his knees, shaking his head as he used his hands to try and knock the mud out of his hair.

"Ah, look what you did." Jeongin joked with the younger kids.

"Look at Jeongin hyungie's hair!" A little boy named Dongmin, giggled as he reached up to touch Jeongin's hair.

A little girl named Naean tugged on the back of Jeongin's shirt, shouting "kill the king!"

"No!" Jeongin shrieked playfully. He stood, Naean letting go of Jeongin's shirt.

He took off running, the little kids chasing after him.

Letting out a hard sneeze, Jeongin slipped, but was caught by his arm and lifted up. An arm was now wrapped around his waist as his wrist was still held up in the air.

"Be careful, you." Chan said, letting go of the blushing Jeongin and ruffling his hair, only to realize the mud in it.

"Jeongin." He groaned.

"They pushed me into it." Jeongin defended as the smaller kids started to run over to them.

"Minho, go play with the kids while I clean Jeongin up."

"Why?" Jeongin complained as Minho walked over to the kids.

"'Cause guess who gets to tour their new school?"

Jeongin's eyes widened. "School?!"

They were all homeschooled, which became a hassle for the parents. It was hard to balance teaching the kids and working a job.

"Yeah. Your dad got a promotion and you have enough money to go to a school. It's a pretty fancy one, too." Chan winked, walking Jeongin over to the hose to get himself washed off.

"Wah." Jeongin smiled. But soon he frowned. He won't be learning with Chan anymore. "What about you?"

"I'm a senior. There's no point in me getting schooled at a private school like you Jeongin. You're a smart kid. I would be behind." Chan shook his head, a smile still set on his face.

"Your parents got us some clothes. I'll be going with you as a guardian because your parents don't have time. Now let me wash that mud out of your hair and then you can wash off and we can get ready."

As they walked towards the private school, Jeongin became nervous and started to fidget. Chan noticed and put his arm across Jeongin's shoulders, pulling him in.

"Calm down. Being nervous isn't going to help you."

Jeongin chuckled, nodding.

It was Jeongin's third week of school and he was really taking a liking to this boy he just recently met. His name was DaYoung. He was kind and always seemed to watch over Jeongin.

Jeongin was starting to walk home when DaYoung appeared next to him.

"Can I walk you home?"

"U-um." Jeongin was not so sure he wanted DaYoung to his home. He always came to school looking like he came from a pretty rich neighbor but he in fact, did not. "It's pretty far."

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