37-Woochan : Leader Shutdown

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Title: Leader Shutdown

Ship: Woochan (Woojin x Chan)

(I'm honestly so scared for this. And it's not even because you guys are reading it. It's just, in this ship I see Woojin as the dominant one. And I'm used to writing Chan as the dominant one. So it's gonna be rlly different from what I usually write with Chan. But uh, enjoy anyways)

Being a team leader, a composer, and almost all of the above was touch. Chan, the leader of Stray Kids, should have new that of all people.

He pushed himself past his comfort zone to make sure his team was doing well. If that meant getting two hours of sleep that night, so be it. That happened almost every night, anyways.

The only person who really seemed to take notice in Chan's overworking was Woojin. Being the oldest, he could not help but want to make sure his leader was healthy. But his leader looked nothing but healthy as time went on.

The other members were also taking notice of Chan's eye bags and pale skin. Indicating he was not healthy. But his actions were the same, despite his appearance.

"1, and 2, and 3, and 4-" Chan counted, others following along with the counts of the dance moves.

"Alright, lets take a break." He called, everyone stopping and moving to grab water.

As Chan moved to also grab water, he felt a little dizzy. But dusted it off and grabbed a water. He drank half of it before setting it back down.

He grabbed the wall in a rush, his eyes wanting move close. He shook his head and pushed off the wall, walking towards the stereo.

As Chan walked over to it, Woojin jogged over to him. He wanted to discuss a few places he felt he needed help with.

But before Chan could reach the stereo, he lost feeling in his legs and fell forward, Woojin immediately lunging forward and catching him.

Everyone turned and gasped at the sudden fall.

Chan pushed himself onto his hands and knees, trying to calm his breathing. Woojin set his hand on Chan's back, moving to get a better look at his face.

"Chan, are you alright?" Woojin asked, worry covering his face.

"Yeah." Chan responded, moving to stand up. Only to trip and fall again. This time, Chan's eyes had also collapsed on him.

Woojin held him in his arms, his eyes wide when he saw that his leader had just past out.

"Chan. Chan." Woojin called, but nothing came from the leader.

Woojin sat more comfortably and set Chan on his lap. "Someone get me water." Woojin ordered.

Jeongin rushed to grab his water bottle, handing it to the older.

Woojin spilt the water onto Chan's face, but got no response.

"We're taking him to the hospital." He demanded, cradling Chan in his arms and leaving the room. Hyunjin and Minho followed, telling the others to stay behind, for now.

Woojin came to the staff room, explaining the situation. They rushed into a car and rushed Chan to the hospital. Luckily, they were able to get there quite fast and charge Chan in.

Woojin sat with Minho and Hyunjin, impatiently waiting for the conditions of Chan.

A doctor walked out, asking for relatives of Chan. Woojin immediately stood and took place as a family member.

"Chan is sleep deprived and also seemed to have been starving himself." The doctor explained, Woojin sighing at the results.

"Is he conscious? Can I see him?" Woojin asked, frantically.

The doctor nodded. "Right this way."

When Woojin came inside, Chan was hunched over, guiltily. He felt bad for passing out and causing trouble to his members.

Woojin sat down and immediately pulled Chan into a hug.

"You need to take care of yourself." Woojin scolded. Chan nodding as he hugged back.

Woojin sighed.

"You don't alway have to be strong, Chan." Woojin started. "Everyone has their weaknesses and its okay to not always be strong. No one is perfect." Woojin said, comforting the younger leader.

Chan let out a breath, nodding as tears welled up in his eyes.

"Hyung." Chan said, Woojin humming in response. "Thank you."

Enjsebksen nope

I felt like I was betraying Jeongchan by writing that, not that it's a bad thing. But it was sCaRiNg mE.

K I'm sorry. Uh, thanks for reading and bai.

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