166-Hyunlix : Prankster

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Title: Prankster

Ship: Hyunlix

"Jisung~!" Felix dragged out as he chased his best friend down the school hallways. Jisung was always prancing somebody, and Felix had been the target this time. He ran down the halls with gun stuck to his back. Luckily, it did not make it into his hair.

Jisung took a quick turn and did a jump that seemed unnecessary to Felix, so he continued to run. That was his first mistake.

Felix slipped, falling back. He reached back to catch himself but that only caused him to roll his wrist and fall down on his back hard.

"Ooh, damn." Jisung commented, walking over to his best friend, who was curling into a ball as he held his wrist.

"Sorry, Lix. Are you okay?"

"I think so. I rolled my wrist on the ground."

Jisung hissed. He blamed himself for that. He reached out a hand and helped Felix up.

"My friend suggested that, and I thought it would be harmless." Jisung shrugged. "Guess not."

"What is that?"


"Even worst. Now I have oil on the gum on my back." Felix turned to look at the gross gum that stuck to his shirt, that now looked very greasy. "Gross."

"Luckily classes are over and this is our free period." Jisung said. "You could just head home now and change."

"And shower. Who helped you with this?"


Felix rolled his eyes at the name. The name that would stick to him for entirety. The name of the boy that crushed his heart.

"No wonder he suggested that." Felix said. "He wanted me to get hurt."

"Awe, Felix. You know he didn't mean it like that when he broke up with you."

"Jisung." Felix said sternly. "He told me I was a waste of oxygen."

Jisung went quiet, realizing Felix was right about that. Hyunjin was a little harsh when he ended things.

"Not only that, but he took Changbin from me." Felix scoffed.

Felix and Changbin started to date about a month after Hyunjin and Felix's breakup. But a month after that, Felix found out Changbin was cheating on him with Hyunjin.

"I won't ever forgive that good for nothing jerk."

"But that all happened a year ago, Felix." Jisung stated as they started to walk home, Felix's home.

"Still. He hurt me, really bad." Felix shook his head. "I'd rather stay as far away as possible from him."

"But aren't you two taking that one class? What was it? Child development or so-"

"If I get paired up with him I will drown myself. Curse having a large male population in that class." Felix muttered.

"If you guys get paired, it's fate. If you love it, let it go. If it comes back, it's meant to be." Jisung reminded. Felix only rolled his eyes.


Felix nearly snapped at his own teacher when she said he and Hyunjin would be partners for the baby project. She had said it was only because that they were the last two left without a partner.

"Bu-meh-Wha-ehhhhhh." Felix ran his hand over his head and down his face in agony.

"Hey." Hyunjin said awkwardly as he sat next to Felix.

"F**k you." Felix spat.

"I-. . . I deserved that." Hyunjin admitted. "I was jerk back then."

"It was only a year ago and you act like it was five." Felix said, making a face as he moved his head. He made a sour look before glancing down at his packet instructions.

"Who's taking the baby first?" Hyunjin asked.

"Me. I don't trust you."

Hyunjin nodded. "Reasonable. Are you saying I won't get it?"

"Not an it." Felix growled, throwing Hyunjin a glare.

"Okay. I'm sorry." Hyunjin surrendered. "I don't understand why you're so angry with me. It's in the past."

Felix slammed his hands on the desk and stood. "YOU LOWERED MY SELF-ESTEEM!"

Everyone went silent and looked over at the two. The teacher even stared at them. Felix sent everyone a glare before sitting back down. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." He growled angrily. Everyone looked away.

"I'm sorry. I was dumb, okay? I know I hurt you, Felix, but for this project please work with me."

Felix looked over at him, the same soir expression painted on his face.

"Stop playing with me."

I wrote this before dance uwu. I had a really good day at dance for once. Not a lot of people really give a care to me there. I'm not sure why. Because of it, I'm more quiet there than anywhere else. But anyway, I had a good day because my turns were great. I also did really good in tap yesterday. Today, my second turns were good on both sides and I did a triple pirouette turn.

But I'm not even joking, maybe one person actually pays attention to me at all there. Otherwise they all like, avoid talking to me.

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