35-Hyunin : Flinching Presents

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Title: Flinching Presents

Ship: Hyunin (Hyunjin x Jeongin)

(I'm rlly nervous about writing this since I'm so used to writing Jeongchan. Enjoy tho?)

"Jeongin, you can finish it later."

"No. I wanna finish it now."

Woojin groaned before wrapping his arms around Jeongin and lifting him into the air, Jeongin letting out a yelp of surprise as his older brother lifted him.

"Hyung!" Jeongin complained as he was taken away from his desk filled with assignments.

Woojin set him down but blocked him from reaching his desk. "I told you my friend and his younger brother is coming over. Now look a least a little more presentable than just your uniform." Woojin scolded, gesturing to Jeongin's yellow school uniform.

Jeongin whined, sitting on the floor. He grabbed his feet as he started to rock, back forth. He was throwing a tantrum like a three-year-old.

Jeongin was naturally more childish than someone his age due to all him and his brother had gone through. Their parents divorced when Jeongin was just one, and his mother won custody over him while his father won custody over Woojin. Who had just turned five. Jeongin was not taken care right and mistreated. He never learned how to act correctly for his age and never learned to mature. Even when their parents died and Woojin took Jeongin in his own home, he never learned to mature. Woojin was trying his best.

"Hyung. I really don't wanna."

Woojin rolled his eyes.

"Do it. I expect you to be changed into something more presentable and downstairs in ten minutes." Woojin said before leaving the younger's room.

Jeongin groaned but stood and looked through his closet. He found a pink sweater with a strawberry in the top right corner and a pair of light colored jeans. He changed into them before heading downstairs as the doorbell rang.

Jeongin grabbed his phone and sat down on the couch as Woojin answered the door.

"Minho! How are you?" Woojin said as he hugged the younger.

"I'm good, Hyung. This is my younger brother Hyunjin."

The two did not look alike at all. Their excuse was both were adopted. Hyunjin towered over Minho who had a baby-like-face.

"Hi." Hyunjin said, timidly.

Woojin invited them, Jeongin too focused on his game to realize someone had sat next to him.

"Jeongin!" Woojin called, causing the younger to flinch and looked up. When Woojin gestured to beside him, Jeongin slowly looked to the side and breathed in quite hard.

With his breath caught in his throat, he took in the older's astonishing visuals. Hyunjin slowly put on a smile before waving at Jeongin.

"Hey..." Hyunjin waved.

"I-uh-hi." Jeongin stuttered out.

"What's your name?" Hyunjin asked, softly.

"Jeongin." Jeongin answered.

"I'm Hyunjin. You're super cute." Hyunjin cooed, moving his hand to squish Jeongin's face with his large fingers. Jeongin pouted when Hyunjin did so.

The older two chuckled at the interaction.

"Have you eaten lunch yet?" Woojin asked Minho.

"No, not yet." Minho responded.

"We can make lunch and let these two get to know each other." Woojin suggested, in which, Minho shrugged with a nod. They left silently into the kitchen, leaving the two alone.

Hyunjin let go and rested his head on his hands, looking at Jeongin. "So, how old are you?"

"Seventeen." Jeongin answered.

"Wah, you're so young." Hyunjin said in administration. Jeongin giggled.

"I'm eighteen. So I'm not much older than you. But you still have to call me Hyung." Hyunjin said, pointing a finger at Jeongin before returning it to its original position. Jeongin nodded.

"Okay, Hyung."

Hyunjin cooed at the way Jeongin had said it, shaking his in seat on the couch. "Why are you so cute?" Hyunjin asked, leaning towards Jeongin.

It was then and there Jeongin felt his heart jump.

Thank you guys so much for being supportive of me writing other ships.

Should I do a part 2 of this? Idk. I didn't know whether to continue it or make a part 2.

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