183-Jeongmin : Heaven Together

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Title: Heaven Together

Ship: Jeongmin

"I want it all to end!" Seungmin screamed in agony, falling to his knees as he held on to hair locks. "What's the point?!?!" He screamed.

Seungmin threw a fist at the ground, his breath heavy and dangerously low. Why was life becoming harder and harder for him as time went on?

"I want it to end." His voice small this time, letting the feeling of agony take over him.

Seungmin shook his head as he set up. "I don't want to die alone." He cried.

"No. I'll wait until I find someone to love. Someone to love me." Seungmin breathed out with a smile.

"Then, we'll die together."

Seungmin knew as soon as he changed schools, he wanted to find the one. He knew it would be hard but maybe he could find what he was looking for.

Seungmin came across a group of boys, which he was immediately welcomed into. The boys were nice, but one boy caught Seungmin's eyes in particular.

His eye smile was everything. That was really drew Seungmin in. But it was the way that the boy listened to every single thing his hyungs said. He was obedient. Someone Seungmin could easily manipulate into becoming his.

Seungmin tended to try and sit near the younger, taking in every word that he said. Seungmin never talked much so this was easy. Staring at his lips was a habit as well. Jeongin eventually took notice of his behavior but kept it to himself.

Seungmin was home, playing inside the dark, abandoned basement. He held onto the chains, dragging them across the room as he made his way towards the set up he had made.

It was Jeongin's picture, surrounded by candle lights. The picture was not ordinary. It was ripped with blood splattered across it.

Seungmin stopped, smiling at the set up. What a beautiful face that would be joining him in the afterlife.

What a place to be with such a pretty person.

Seungmin played with Jeongin's hair as he spoke. The boy was over at Seungmin's House, lying on top of him. The boys were having a nice time.

Seungmin was having a nice time.

"So sometimes it's not even fair but-"


Jeongin moves his head to look up at the latter. "Yes, Hyung?"

"What would say about being my boyfriend?"

Jeongin blinked before smiling. "Yeah. That would be nice."


Jeongin never thought the boy's behavior was off, but the rest of the group thought otherwise.

"Jeongin, he's crazy."

"Sometimes I wonder if he's depressed."

"Don't you realize he's always telling to do things?"

It got to the point Seungmin was done with it.

Jeongin stood in front of Seungmin who sat on the bed in silence. His head was down, sad. Jeongin was unsure if he had done something but was too scared to say anything.

"Your friends." Seungmin started. "Why do they hate me?"

"They dont hate you, Hyung-"

"Why do they hate me?!" Seungmin snapped at the boy, lifting his head to look straight into Jeongin's eyes.

Seungmin stood, walking towards Jeongin. "They all say I'm crazy. I hear them, Jeongin, I hear them. They just want to drive us apart. Do you see that?" Seungmin said, the younger now against the wall as Seungmin hovered over him.

"H-hyung. They're just worried for me."

Seungmin looked down. "You think I'm crazy, too." His voice was low, dark, threatening, manipulative.

"No! Hyung, I don't think you're crazy." Jeongin shook his head. "I love you."

Seungmin smiled. That's right. You love me.

"How much, do you love me?" Seungmin asked, looking back up at Jeongin.

The younger was getting anxious. Where was Seungmin going with this?

"I love you a lot Hyung. I'd do anything for you."

"Anything?" Seungmin's voice cracked.

Jeongin gulped, nodding.

Seungmin let tears fall, letting out a sob.

The feeling was back. He wanted to die again.

"Hyung?" Jeongin moved his head to look at Seungmin's face. He frowned when he saw the tears. "What's wrong?"

"I want to die." He cried.

Jeongin let out a quiet gasp. He placed his arms around Seungmin. "It's okay, Hyung. We can get some help."

"No. You're helping me." Seungmin said.

"How?" Jeongin asked, pulling away.

Seungmin lifted his hand, in which, Jeongin watched. It went to his neck and was suddenly lifted into the air, slammed against the wall.

Jeongin clawed at Seungmin's hand, pleading to be let go but his Hyung only stared at him with a smile.

"By dying with me, silly."

Am I sorry?


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