187-Jeongsung : Cry Baby

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Title: Cry Baby

Ship: Jeongsung

Warning : Contains crossdressing and Littles uwu (I've never written with fully cross dressing so bare with me here)

Jeongin sometimes thought maybe he was just a little weird.

Was being a cross dresser and a little weird? He never found them weird but to do and he both at the same time, wasn't it a little odd?

Jeongin sighed, as he came home, letting his bag drop to the floor.

He always wore some basket ball shorts and a large hoodie to school, afraid of the bullying if he ever went to school cross dressing. His friends did not even know he did so. Though, they did know he was a little. He carried a pacifier around with him everywhere.

Well, he was never able to use it at home because he knew if his mother saw it, she would throw it away immediately.

His mother was okay with the cross dressing, and being a little just not the pacifier. Jeongin never understood why she was so against it but he tried to keep to her wishes by hiding it.

Jeongin made his way to his room, opening his closet to reveal half of his girl clothing and half of his clothing for the public to see. He had less girl clothing due to this.

Jeongin just felt more comfortable in the cute girl clothing he would find. It was not that he wanted to be a girl, he just enjoyed cross dressing.

He pulled out some white jean shorts along with his pink sweatshirt that had a strawberry in the corner. He also pulled out some long white socks that had small strawberries that decorated the cuff.

Jeongin changed into them before looking at himself in the mirror with a smile.

Why couldn't he walk around like this with no one being mean?

Jeongin sighed, sitting down on his bed as he took out his phone, going through social media. He went to his school's blog that was run by a student who had access to student council.

'New Student!'

Jeongin ran to class as he was already late. He bursted in and took a seat as everyone turned back to look at him.

"Yang Jeongin." His teacher growled, tightening his grip around his marker he was holding in his hand. "What have I told you about coming into my classroom?"

"Do it quietly." Jeongin answered.

"THEN DO IT QUIETLY!" His teacher snapped before shaking his head and going back to his lesson.

"So, is this teacher always that loud and irritated?" He boy next to Jeongin asked.

Jeongin looked over at the boy, surprised to see the new face.

"Uh, Yeah. He gets mad easily." Jeongin whispered back.

"Good to know." The boy shook his head. "I'm Jisung."

When the boy turned his head to Jeongin, he almost squealed at how boyfriend material he looked.

"I'm Jeongin." Jeongin responded back politely. "You must be the new student."

"I sure am." Jisung smiled. "Mind being my friend? I kind of need it." Jisung pointed a finger at Jeongin, who only giggled.

"Sure, Hyung."

Jisung looked back at him in surprise. "Hyung?"

"You are a 00' liner, right?"


"I'm 01'." Jeongin smiled. "I'm younger than you."

"Oh. That makes sense." Jisung nodded his head. "So I can sit with you at lunch? I honestly don't care how weird any of you are I just need friends by like, today and tomorrow to stay here at this school."

"Why?" Jeongin asked.

"My mom says I need to be social. And this is my way of being social."

Jeongin quietly laughed. "Phat mood."

"I'm a whole a** mood, baby." Jisung winked.

Jeongin's raised his eyebrows at the comment.

"Sorry, my gay is showing." Jisung cleared his throat and leaned back into his chair as Jeongin tried to stifle a laugh.

"I'm so glad none of my friends have never said that to me." Jeongin wheezed out.

"Your friends are gay?" Jisung asked.

Jeongin shrugged. "It's like a mixture of gay, bi, Pan. I'm Pan."

Jisung's face lit up. "So I'm not alone? Being gay?"

"My Hyung, Minho, is the gayest guy I know." Jeongin scoffed.

"Oh yeah."

Jeongin completely forgot about Jisung coming to sit with him.

He was sitting in his Hyung, Chan, lap, his pacifier in his lap, when Jisung waved his hand.

Jeongin saw him, forgetting he had a pacifier in his mouth, putting his hand up to wave back.

The other boys looked over at the boy was walking over.

"Hello. I'm Jisung." The boy introduced himself.

"You're in my dance class." Minho pointed out.

"Yes." Jisung nodded. "Indeed, I am."

Jisung turned his head to Jeongin. "I didn't know you were a little."

Jeongin shrugged. "You didn't ask."

Jisung smiled, sitting down next to the two before booping Jeongin's noise. "You're so cute."

"Isn't he?" Hyunjin cooed. "Like honestly, who knew someone could be so cute?"

"I'm asking that right now."

Jeongin was so close with Jisung now. The boys always hung out together and Jeongin could not deny that he was starting to like Jisung. The boy was so nice to him.

Jeongin did not even have to do anything to get him.

They were sitting in Jeongin's bedroom on his bed. Jeongin was in Jisung's lap, sucking on his pacifier as he played with Jisung's T-shirt.

"Don't hate me." Jisung started. "But I looked in your closet because I wanted to see what you had-ow!"

Jeongin smacked Jisung's chest, sending him a glare. "I told you not to look in there!"

"Well, when you tell me I'm more tempted to look." Jisung shrugged. "Besides, I think it's cute that you cross dress. Can I see you in a skirt?"

"Not right now." Jeongin sighed as he leaned back into Jisung's chest. "I don't feel like changing."

Jisung smiled. "Do you feel like being my boyfriend?"

Jeongin shook his head as he sighed. "That's kind of the worst way to ask someone out but yes."

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