90-Seungjin : Escapist pt3

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Title: Escapist pt3

Ship: Seungjin

"I don't care what kind of dream you want, because becoming singer is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. If you want to succeed, I suggest something like a doctor." My father spat.

I sighed, nodding. Of course he didn't agree with my choice. To become a singer? That was a stupid dream, wasn't it?

I retreated to my room, waiting for something interesting to happen. But nothing did. As always.

Until his phone rang.

I picked my phone up into my hand and saw Hyunjin's contact I had made a few days ago. We had become closer and I almost felt safer with Hyunjin than Chan.


I answered it, pressing the cold screen to my ear.


"Hey, Seungminnie. Me and few of my friends were planning on going to see a movie. You wanna come?"


"In about an hour."

"I guess I could."

"Cool. I'll pick you up in twenty." He hung up before I could agree.

I sighed but moved to get ready.

A good twenty minutes later, Hyunjin showed up and I hopped in the back with one other person. The front seat was taken by another person.

"Guys, this is Seungmin. Seungmin this is Felix and you know Jisung." Jisung sat in the front seat so I didn't need to worry about him. But Felix sat next to me.

"Be nice." Hyunjin growled, looking at the two.

I noticed Jisung roll his eyes.

I knew he didn't like me. I understood that. But he didn't know why I did any of it. So who was he to judge me? Oh wait, that's right, it doesn't matter.

We decided to watch the movie Slender man. I really should have asked what movie we were seeing. So I requested a seat next to Hyunjin because I knew I was going to be scared out of my mind.

After the movie ended, I was shaking and holding tightly onto Hyunjin's arm. He just laughed at me and pat my head, claiming that I was being too cute for him.

"He's not cute. He's a cowardly jerk." I heard Jisung say. I'm pretty sure it was meant to come out as a mumble but he did not seem to regret it.

Hyunjin gave him a cold stare of disbelief.

In reaction to the cowardly comment, I slowly pulled away from Hyunjin's arm. But he grabbed my hand, squeezing it tightly before speaking.

"I do not care what he has done in the past, Jisung. Please do tell me, do you know why he did it?"

"No. . ."

"Then stop acting like he was jerk. It was his way of escaping his feelings. I'm sorry it was not the best way but you have lived such a good life you wouldn't even know the feeling of living in his shoes. Your parents are married. Your brother and sister still both live with you. You get told you're loved every single day. I know this because I have been friends with you for so long. How do I know Seungmin's life? It's hard to keep it bottled up, Jisung. Get over the past and see you have a great life and do not have the right to put other people down when you don't know their life." Hyunjin spat, drawing attention from the people around us.

"And what's so bad about his life, huh? My older brother died of cancer. Yet I'm still not-"

"That is nothing compared to what he goes through every single day, Jisung. Stop trying to find pity." Hyunjin growled lowly.

People gasped lightly at the snarky comment.

"You can find a new way home. Felix, Seungmin, lets go."

I stared back at Jisung as he stared back at us.

"No, Hyunjin." I said, pulling at his hand. "You can't leave him here like that. That's mean." I said, looking back at him. Even he returned my looks with glares, I still could not let him be left here because of the way I acted in the past.

Hyunjin huffed.

"Jisung lets go. You're lucky Seungmin is actually nice." Hyunjin yelled back at him.

The ride to drop Jisung off was tension filled. When he was finally dropped off, Felix started to ask questions.

"If you don't mind, why did you start naming the good things about Jisung's life?"

"I was naming the things he has that Seungmin doesn't." Hyunjin explained. Which, I wasn't bothered he shared that with Felix. He seemed like a cool dude so I let it happen.

We dropped Felix off and I climbed in the front.

"Thanks for standing up for me." I mumbled.

"Anything for you, baby."

I blushed at the nickname. He never called me that so it was a little weird. But for some reason, I liked it.

"Do you wanna come to my house for a little bit?" He asked.

"Sure." I replied.

Hyunjin and I just cuddled the whole time while watching a movie. I was slowly falling asleep in his warm arms. He smelt nice, too.



"Do you wanna go out on a date with me?"

"Mmm, sure."

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