117-Minsung : Glittering Gold

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Title: Glittering Gold

Ship: MinSung

"Sirens are just a myth." Jisung scoffed to his best friend, Felix.

They were on a field trip at a beach that held a cave that was said to be filled with sirens in the past. But Jisung and Felix being Jisung and Felix, split themselves from the group.

"I mean, we don't know that for sure." Felix reminded.

"Whatever. Come on, before they see us."

The two took a different path down different route. A river flowed down this path and the two stepped in it to get through. As the two looked around, it seemed like there were crystals on the ceiling and the walls. The rocks were a near navy green.

"Look." Felix pointed at a darker route split between a lighter one. "Let's go down that one."

"You're crazy." Jisung chuckled. "Who knows what's down there."

"We'll never know if we don't go down."

Jisung rolled his eyes but led the way down the route.

The two ended up holding onto each other as it was pitch black. No sound except for the footsteps of theirs in the water and the dripping of water from the ceiling. Sooner or later, they came across a more well lighted area.

"Woah. Is that gold?" Jisung pointed at the shiny piece of rock barely poking out of the ground.

"It looks like it." Felix agreed. He made his way towards it. Jisung stayed back more, afraid of exactly it was.

Good thing he did.

Jisung blinked and he heard a scream. Felix was gone.

Jisung tripped to the group, eyes wide. Where did his best friend just go? What was happening?

In front of him suddenly appeared bare feet. Looking up, he saw a man. His clothes were obviously filled with riches. But what stood out was the scales on his face and arms, down part of his legs.

"Hello, Boy."

"W-What are you?"

"Mm." The man hummed, closing his eyes. "That's always the first thing they ask."

Jisung was trembling at this point. What was this thing standing in front of him? And what did it want from him?

"I'm a siren." He finally answered, opening his eyes back up.

His eyes. His eyes were like in the books. A diamond shaped pupil.

"I'm not here to hurt you." He said. "Just simply take you. You've seen too much already."


"That Glittering Gold."

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