76-Seungjin : Muted Angel

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Requested by : @EJ_Padgett

Title: Muted Angel

Ship: Seungjin


A word used to describe those who refrain from speech.

A boy named Seungmin was upon those who were 'mute'. That was why no one knew him.

He was a ghost. Almost like an angel that came from heaven to protect someone.

But that someone was himself.

Keep a low profile and no one will care to try and harm you in anyway. That was exactly what Seungmin did.

He was a normal student. Someone you would see in the halls but immediately forget about five minutes later. There was nothing special about him. Nothing that stood out.

Until one day.

"Heads up!"

Seungmin whipped around. Upon seeing a soccer ball coming his way, he ducked. The ball missed Seungmin by a few inches. So luckily, no harm was done.

"Woah, you okay there?" The captain of the soccer team jogged up to Seungmin, a bit worried about the boy's well being.

Seungmin nodded before turning around and continuing on his way.

"Well, he sure doesn't talk much." One of the boy's teammates commented as stood next to him.

"Yeah...that's a bit odd. It doesn't matter. We need to get back to practice." The captain grabbed the soccer ball and brought it back to the field.

Although, that boy was still on his mind.

Seungmin did not think coming back into the music room would bring back memories.

He had retrieve a few papers for a teacher. They were located in the music room, a familiar place that Seungmin used call his second home.

As Seungmin searched for the paper, he came across the piano.

The dust covered the piano, so Seungmin assumed that no one in the music club had known how to play. How could they not? It was the most simple instrument.

Seungmin dusted off the piano, feeling a little distraught by the neglect it had been receiving. He opened the piano, looking down at the familiar keys he used to play. He pulled the seat out from under the piano piece, taking a seat.

He placed his fingers against it before playing the only song he remembered.


Seungmin presses his fingers down on the keys, before opening his mouth open.

"I'm wasted, loosing time." His voice cracked, but he quickly cleared it and continued.

"I'm a foolish, fragile spine." His voice was smooth this time. It was stable, shocking Seungmin himself.

"I want all that is not mine." He continued to sing.

The papers popped back to Seungmin's mind and he quickly pulled his hands away from the piano keys. He shut the piano and retrieved the papers, taking off back to the teacher who had asked him to do such.

Seungmin did not see the captain of the soccer team standing right outside the room on the other side of the door.

"No, I swear it was that kid." Hyunjin said as he continued to talk to his best friend, Changbin. Changbin had said this boy was mute and there was no way that Hyunjin heard him singing.

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