158-Jeongmin : The Boy In His Nightmares

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Title: The Boy In His Nightmares

Ship: Jeongmin

Jeongin woke in a cold sweat, breathing heavily as tears sat on the brim of his eyes. Another nightmare with that boy. That boy he has never met. That boy who beats him senseless in his nightmares. The boy he's afraid to meet.

Jeongin pulled himself out of the covers and set his feet on the cold wooden floor. He shivered.

Jeongin heard walking down the hallway and could only guess his roommate had awoken as well. Jeongin had moved into an apartment with someone for high school since his parents did not have the money to move for Jeongin to go to high school.

Jeongin watched as his door opened slightly, Chan appearing with his sweet smile.

Jeongin stood and took two slow steps around his bed, before taking off into Chan's arms. He took deep breaths as they held onto each other, Chan shushing the younger in hopes of calming him down.

"Did you have another nightmare?" Chan asked.

"Mhm." Jeongin hummed with a nod.

"It's okay. Let's go sit down stairs and watch movie, okay?"


Later that day, Jeongin had to go off to school as pure usual. He was a little tired from the nightmare and waking up early, but he pushed through.

In his bio class, the teacher announced there would be a new student coming soon. Jeongin became excited. He always enjoyed making new friends.

But when that boy walked into the class, bright smile in all, Jeongin's heart dropped. It was the boy from his nightmares. It was really the boy from his nightmares.

"Seungmin, please take a seat over there, next to Jeongin. Yang, raise your hand." Jeongin slowly raised his hand for the new boy to see.

When Seungmin took a seat, Jeongin's breath hitched. Keep calm, keep calm. Was all Jeongin could tell himself.

They were given a packet to work on. Jeongin tried to focus but he could not stop shaking. He was shaking so much he broke his pencil.

Jeongin groaned, tempted to throw the pencil wherever he could.

He heard rustling from beside him and looked over. The boy was digging through his pencil bag before pulling out a mechanical pencil. He offered it over to Jeongin.

"O-oh. Um, thank you." Jeongin took the pencil, his other hand squeezing tightly onto his chair to stop himself from shaking.

When Jeongin went back to working, still shaking, the boy spoke up.

"Are you okay? You're shaking a lot."

"Yeah, I-I just-" Jeongin took a deep breath. "Just stressed."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

Jeongin went home that day, feeling anxious. He was afraid of coming back. What if Seungmin was only putting on a nice show before snapping and hurting Jeongin just like in his dreams?

When Jeongin arrived home, he fell to his knees and let out a sob, which caused Chan to come running in.

"What happened?" He asked frantically.

"I saw the boy from my nightmares.

He's my classmate."

Seungmin had tried to get closer to Jeongin, which he succeeded in. But he always noticed that Jeongin was always very jumpy when in his presence. At first it was always just shaking consistently. As Seungmin became closer to Jeongin, was just very jumpy. Seungmin had to be very careful when approaching him, and when Seungmin touched him, Jeongin would flinch away hard.

Seungmin was not sure why Jeongin was like this with him and only him. He really wanted to know. He would watch from afar how Jeongin reacted with his friends, which was a completely different reaction from he reacted to Seungmin. What was so different about Seungmin that he acted so afraid?

Seungmin asked Jeongin if they could hang out outside of school. Jeongin being the overly nice person he was, did not decline and said yes.

Jeongin was quiet on their walk to Jeongin's house. So Seungmin spoke up to break the tension.

"Do you have any siblings?"

"I-I do. But they don't live with me." Jeongin answered. "I don't live with m-my family. I have a roommate."

"Oh, why's that?"


"Ah. I see."

They arrived at Jeongin's apartment.

"Chan! I have a f-friend over!" Jeongin yelled.

Chan appeared through the kitchen doorway, waving at the two.

"I was making dinner. There should be enough for. . ."

"Seungmin." Seungmin bowed.

"Seungmin. . . Right. There should be enough."

Chan knew of the boy's name from Jeongin. He was the boy from Jeongin's nightmares. He found it funny that Jeongin had brought him home.

The two sat on the couch, Seungmin watching Jeongin as he looked for a movie to watch.

"Unless you wanna play games?" Jeongin suggested.

"I'm fine with whatever you want." Seungmin smiled.

"Okay, lets play games then. I have to go get the console. I'll be right back." Jeongin stood and ran upstairs to grab the console. Chan took this time to sit next to Seungmin.

"Does he alway act like that?" Seungmin asked.

"Like what?"


Chan shook his head. "No. Seungmin, don't take it personally."

Seungmin looked over at Chan, confused. "What do you mean?"

"Jeongin has a lot of nightmares. He has them very frequently. He actually had one last night. But, um-" Chan cleared his throat. "He's afraid of you because you're in his nightmares. Have been before he even met you." Chan explained.


"Yeah. He doesn't mean to act that way. He's just afraid you're gonna hurt him. I'm pretty sure it'll all fade soon."

"But it's been a month since I've met him." Seungmin mumbled.

"I know, I know." Chan sighed. "We're trying to help him. He just started going to therapy for it."

"Well, I'm glad he's getting help." Seungmin smiled.

Jeongin came down the stairs with the console, plugging it into the TV.

"What were you guys talking about?" Jeongin asked as he sat down.

"Just letting Seungmin know why you're so jumpy around him." Chan assured, smiling sweetly. "You know he doesn't mean any harm."

"Y-Yeah. I know."

Yes hello, I'm still sick.

But haiiii

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