Chapter 10

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A week later :

I woke up to loud banging on the door thinking that zhair would get it I went back to sleep, which was pointless because it still didn't get answered. I sighed and walked downstairs. Zhair, sin and rocky was down there

"All of you are here and can't open the door" I asked getting upset.

I opened the door and I seen two cops standing there.

"Zhair what did you do ?" I shouted to him

" hello ma'am is your name jade?" One of the officers asked

" oh shit what did you do jade" Zhair asked standing next to me

I hit him. " yea why? Is there a problem officer ?" I asked

" yes we need you to identify a body. "

"What body?" I asked looking at zhair and back to the police officer.

"We found a body that we believe is your mom. We need you identify the person ma'am" they said.

"Ok let me grab my stuff" I said running back upstairs to brush my teeth and wash my face. I changed my clothes and grabbed my phone and keys. Zhair came with me to follow the cops. We pulled up to my old neighborhood and the apartment and the sidewalk was blocked off with yellow tape. I didn't know how to feel as I walked in the house. I walked further in to her bedroom and everything was destroyed I looked over to the bed and I seen my mom lying down naked and bloody. Even though we had our differences that broke me.

I walked over to her to see what happened but the cop came in

"Ma'am we need for you not to touch her, as she might have some evidence on her" he said

I nodded and walked out the room. It was a lot for me to take in at the moment.

"You good jade?" Zhair asked

"Yea" I said

"So how soon will I know what happened to her ?" I asked the medical examiner

"It depends autopsies could take weeks to months to come back, but whenever we figure it out we'll let you know. Sorry for your loss" she said walking into the room

"Thank you" I said walking out of the house.

I walked back to my car and sat there. Shit just wasn't adding up to me.

"This shit doesn't make sense zha" I said

"What you talking about jade?"

"I mean who would want her dead" I said looking at him

"I don't know jade but shit is fucked up" he said.

I just started the car and drove back to his house. There was cars still parked up in the driveway. I hopped out the car and walked into the house. I wasn't In the mood and I went into my room and locked the door. I laid down and fell asleep.

I woke up later that night and hopped in the shower. I threw on sweats and walked downstairs. The house was completely empty. I hopped in my car and drove to my old house. I used my key to walk in and it was dark. I turned the light on and began to try to clean and empty out the house. I went into my moms room and started to clean in there. I went in her draws and she had a whole bunch of pictures of me and her when I was younger. I smiled looking at it and reminiscing of the good ol' times.

Once I finished cleaning out her draws I walked over to the closet, I looked down and seen a big safe in there. I pulled it out and examined it. It needed a code to unlock it. I tried thinking and putting in multiple codes. I tried another one and it worked. It was the year my dad and mom met each other. I looked inside the safe and it was filled with more pictures. This time the pictures were of a little boy my dad and my mom. I was confused as hell now. I kept going through the pictures and I came across a birth certificate the name on the birth certificate shocked the hell out of me. I looked down to see both of my parents names on it. At this point I was furious. I grabbed the birth certificate and one of the pictures and stormed out of the house and Into my car. I drove off to confront the person in the pictures. I arrived at my destination 30 minutes later. I was so upset I got out my car without even shutting it off. I walked up to the house and by passed the security and busted in the door.

"Where's zhair " I asked everybody including sincere

"He's in the back with his pops, you good ?" Rocky asked

I simply ignored him and walked in the back. I opened the door and they both was sitting down talking.

"Care to explain this" I asked throwing the papers at my dad

"Jade I thought your mom told you this by now" he said examining the papers.

"Why the fuck would she tell me? When would she have time to tell me ? You left it to a crack head to spill some shit like this ?" I asked

"I'll talk to her jade and figure out why it wasn't said"

"How do you plan on talking to her, huh she's dead" I said

"Jad-" zhair said

"No fuck you zhair, you knew too. You ain't want to say anything ?" I asked

"Jade it's not like that" zhair said

I just stormed off I hated crying in front of people.

"Jade" my dad shouted following behind me.

"What else you have to say " I asked

He didn't say anything he just looked at me. I just continued out the house and to my car. I started it and drove off. My phone started ringing and I answered without looking

"What" I asked

"Damn girl I'm sorry" I heard Lauren say

I was about to answer her back until I heard a loud horn followed by a crash. I didn't realize I was driving on the wrong side of the road. I guess that's how upset I was.

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