Chapter 42

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After leaving jade at the house I pulled up to zhairs house rocky and Lauren was all here and they told me to pull up. I walked inside and dapped them up

"She's feeling better?" Zhair asked as I took a seat on the couch

"Nah not at all. She doesn't want to have sex or nothing, I was leaving she's ignoring me and shit I don't know, if she needs help she need to say that shit i don't know why she pushing us away like we did something to her, we all just want to help that's it" I said

"But you don't know what she's feeling" Lauren said

"What you mean Lauren, what do you know?" I asked

"Look let me school you niggas really quick, when a female has a baby there's so much hormones released into the female, it's normal for females to have baby blues which last a few days after having a baby, in jades case that not it we know that already, but to her her body changed, she doesn't feel the way she used to, her man went to jail, unintentionally but it still happened you left her, she gave birth you wasn't there initially, you wasn't at the shower either she feels some type of way, she's also holding onto everything else that you e done she's not over it. We all have to be patient, until she returns to her normal self" she said

"I feel bad for everything but shit happened sometimes.. it's not my fault I got locked up I was there for her everyday to that point" I said

"But like I said there's hormones you'll never get it because you're not a female that carried a child and went through all these changes, until you could walk a mile in her shoes you won't get it. " she said

"Nah I get it" I said. I did get it my mom went through the same shit when she was pregnant with Santana I remember seeing her cry all the time.

I received a notification on Instagram rocky had posted a picture of us, I hope jade doesn't see it and get mad thinking we leaving her out of shit.

"I'll see if I could get her to come to the gym with me just to boost her confidence back up" Lauren said

"She don't even need to hit the gym though, her body looks exactly how it did before she got pregnant " I said

"It's a mind over matter thing" Zhair said

"Word, we could throw a party or something " rocky said

"That's not a bad idea" Lauren said

We began to talk some more to see how we could help jade further and just try to get her to feel like her normal self.

I received another notification from the camera outside and inside my house. I seen a car in the driveway, the same black car that was there when me and Zhair had left for that business trip a few months back. I looked at the video footage and seen that it was that bitch ass nigga Dre

"I'm out " I said

"You good ?"

"This nigga Dre is at the crib" I said

"I'm riding" Zhair said

Rocky and Zhair both got up and we made our way to the house. I did 130 all the way there, so I got there In no time.

I didn't even turn the car off I walked right in the house with rocky and Zhair on my heels. As I walked in I seen the nigga preparing to walk out. I snatched my hoodie off, ready to break him up.

" fuck he doing here jade" I asked

" we was talking" She said

I pushed me out of the way making her stumble before punching Dre in the face, we was going back and forth for a while before rocky and Zhair broke us up.

"You're going to get yours pussy" Dre said being escorted out of the house. I only laughed because his bitch ass only hit me twice.

I watched jade grab q and was about to walk upstairs.

"Jade " i shouted coming towards the steps.

"What" She shouted back

Zhair walked over to us and took q out of her hands.

She ignored me and continued walking upstairs, once we was in the room I slammed the door when we got to his room.

"Fuck is wrong with you, bringing him in my fucking house jade?" I yelled

"He was helping me " he said

"Helping you with what I asked you what the fuck you needed before I left jade cut the fucking shit" i said

"Whatever" She said annoyed

"Whatever What jade?" I shouted

"I just don't care sincere, he didn't do anything to you" she said

"That's your fucking ex the fuck you talking about? If I had my ex in here every fucking day you'd think I'm fucking her" i shouted

"Are you done?" She asked

"Yea I'm done, we're done that's it I'm out of here " i said grabbing mad clothes and putting them in a suitcase. I was leaving for a few days I wasn't really done with her

I began packing clothes for q as well I was taking him with me.

"What the fuck You think you're doing?" She shouted

"My son coming with me." I said

"No the fuck he isn't, he's going wherever I go , I breast feed are you dumb?" She asked

I laughed and continued to pack, every time I pack something she just took it out Ultimately i gave up and walked downstairs and she followed suit.

Zhair handed her back q and i walked outside but I was outside the door and could still hear what was being said

"Y'all need time apart, if you need help call me or Lauren we'll come through " Zhair said walking out the house

We hopped in the car and drove off to zhairs house.

Once we got there I took my heated ass to bed.

*jades Point of view*

Once they left I woke up Q to eat. I wasn't sure how he had slept through all the madness. I changed his diaper and he drifted right back off to sleep and so did I.

When I woke up in the morning Q was still sleeping, I took that time to get up and brush my teeth. I placed a bunch of pillows around him and took the baby monitor in the bathroom with me. I took a quick shower and threw on some clothes. Once I was finished getting dressed that's when he decided to stir in his sleep. I picked him up and started to feed him

My phone began to ring but I shit it off I don't want to be bothered by nobody. After feeding him I undressed him and gave him a bath and once he was dressed we went downstairs so I could eat. I sat him in his mamaroo in the kitchen with me before cooking something to eat. After I was finished I ate and I decided to do some shopping for him and that's what we did.

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