chapter 47

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A few weeks later

Q's crying woke me up out of my sleep. I walked over to his sleeper and picked him up bringing him to the bed so I could breast feed him. I checked his diaper to see if he was wet but he wasn't. He held onto my thumb and fell back asleep and so did I. My phone began to ring and I got annoyed instantly because it feels as though I just fell asleep.

" hello?" I said into the phone

" hey jade this is Dre's mom" the women said crying into the phone

" hey, is everything alright ?" I asked

" no he died this morning and there's an envelope that he asked me to give to you. Do you mind stopping by ?" She asked

" um sure could you just text me your address?" I asked

" I'll send it now " she said

I sighed and dialed Lauren's number.

"Hey" she said picking up on the first ring

" hey could you come over and watch Q for me please" I asked

" on my way" she said hanging up.

She swore this is her son. I put q in his crib and turned on the baby monitor. I grabbed my phone and turned the camera on so I'll be able to see him. Once o was out the shower I dried off and threw on a sweatsuit And my slides. Lauren knocked on the door and I opened it for her.

" hey where you going ?" She asked

" well to meet up with Dre's mom she called me telling me he passed this morning so he left her with an envelope to give to me "

"Are you serious ? " she asked

"Yea I'm still processing bro, this shit is crazy" I said grabbing my bags

" where's my baby " she asked

" he's sleeping of course" I said walking towards the door.

Once I got to the lot I hopped in my car and put the address That Dre's mom gave me into the gps. She only lived a half hour away from my house. Many thoughts raced through my head as I drove. I wasn't sure what he could've possibly written me a letter for  I shook the thought off and pulled up into the house. I texted his mother to let her know I was outside. Shortly after I seen her come to the front door. I stepped out my car and walked over to the door and she handed me the envelope.

"My condolences" I said to her

"Thank you hunny, I know that he's no longer suffering. "

"Yes that's true"

"I'm going to head back inside before his grandmother starts up again. Take care of yourself please" she said to me

I nodded and walked back to the car. Once I was inside I opened it, I really wanted to know what it said. I ripped it open and began to read it :

To jade, the love of my life

If you're reading this then I'm probably already dead and gone and it's too late to apologize for all the pain that I have caused you. When we were younger I treated you bad, I fucked up a lot and I sincerely apologize. Yet again I have to apologize because I fucked up real bad this time. I hate the way your man treats you because I know that I used to treat you the same if not worse. He doesn't deserve you at all. You deserve to be happy at all times by no means. He disrespected you when you needed him the most, he cheated on you and had you looking dumb. He made me mad when he left you in the house with baby Q. That nigga walked out on his fucking family. You know what I would do to have that shit with you? Well I mean if I didn't have this fucked yo ass sickness that is. I swear I got this shit from all the fucked yo things I did to you and if I could take back everything I would, I really would. I love you jade forever and always but you might hate me for the last thing I have to say. I know you're probably sad about sincere being shot, I know you are also confused about how I know about him being shot, well I'm the one who shot him. I don't regret that shit at all, that nigga deserved all the shots for every fucked up thing he's done to you. Until we meet again baby girl, I love you

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