Welcome to Murphy Town

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We were driving down the road. Addy and I were sitting in the back seat with Jeff in his carseat between us. Hector and Sun Mei were riding in the front with Warren driving.

"Warren!" I faintly heard Doc's voice. I looked back to see Doc in the road waving his arms.

"Warren, stop! It's Doc!" I exclaimed. She slammed the brakes. I put a hand on the seat in front of me to stabilize myself and put my free hand on Jeff's seat to stabilize it. The car turned and I was on the side facing Doc.

"Doc!" Addy and I called out my open window.

"Hey, you guys!" Doc called. 

Warren straightened out the red SUV before stopping. I hopped out of the car. I ran over and hugged Doc.

"Are you okay? I was worried sick." I said.

"I'm fine. But-"

"Steven Beck. Where have you been? We've been looking all over for you!" Warren asked as she walked over.

"What happened to me? What happened to you?" Doc asked.

"Uh, you didn't see the horde of spider zombies?" Addy asked him.

"Spider zombies?" Doc questioned.

"AKA my worst nightmare." I joked.

"They were covered in black widows ,man." Hector told him.

"Black widow spiders crawling with 'em." Addy said ,freaked out by the thought of them.

"Okay, so what happened to you?" Warren asked.

"Well, have you ever seen the movie 'One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest'? Add zombies, a black Elvis, and mix well. It's a long story. But the best part is I found 10K." Doc said.

"What?" I questioned ,my eyes wide.

We heard a grocery cart rolling down the hill. Doc looked at it with wide eyes. He started chasing after it.

"10K!" He yelled. I took off after him. I got to the cart at the same time as him. We stopped the cart. "Damn, you run fast for a woman who was pregnant not too long ago."

"Like five months ago ,Doc." I remind him.

I looked in the cart to see 10K was asleep. He looked terrible though. He was really pale. Around his eyes looked bruised. I mean he looked as handsome as ever but he looked really sick or something.

"Is he okay?" I asked worriedly.

"Hopefully." Doc said.

"Let's get him to the SUV ,okay?" Warren said. We nodded.


"10K?" Doc opened the hatch to the back. 10K had still been asleep. Doc and him were in the back since the front was all filled up. I offered to sit back with 10K -I was really worried about him- but Doc decided to stay back to take care of him. He knew more medical stuff than me, even if he's not a real doctor.

"Let me out." I heard 10K said. I looked over at the open hatch. "Let me out!"

He jumped out of the SUV but fell to the ground. I went his side. Doc went to his other side.

"You're not looking too good ,kid." Doc told him.

"Yeah, I don't feel so good." 10K admitted while rolling over.

"What the hell'd you give 'im?" Warren asked.

Hector held his hand out to help him up. When 10K saw him, he started trying to get back.

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