Party With the Zeros Part 2

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10K sat anxiously next to me as I lay back on the bed, letting the doctor check everything out. He checked my heartrate and breathing, as well as the baby's heart. He even offered to do an ultra sound. After our 'examination', La Reina insisted we go to her doctor while the others began to get ready for some celebration. She was celebrating our arrival with Murphy. 

Now would be our first time seeing our baby. I was both ecstatic and anxious. I don't even know why I'm anxious. Doing this is a good thing. I've wanted nothing more than to see my baby for months now. 

I reached over and grabbed 10K's hand as the cold gel was put on my stomach. I never thought this was an experience I was going to have, especially after the world ended. 

I didn't really want kids before. Well, I did, but I didn't. I wanted to have someone who loved me unconditionally, that I would love in return. I wanted to bring a little human into the world. However, I thought I'd be a horrible mother, like mine was, and that thought terrified me. I didn't want to ruin another persons life like my mother did to me. 

Now here I was, getting ready to bring a new life into the world with the sweetest man by my side. I was still scared of being a horrible mother, but I had 10K here to help me. He was good with kids, as I had seen with 5K, and he was excited about this.

"Here's your baby." The doctor turned the screen to let us see. 

I frowned, not seeing more than blobs. I didn't see anything in that image. 10K smiled as he looked at the image, clearly seeing it. He frowned when he looked over and saw my expression, which now consisted of a frown and teary eyes. 

"What's wrong?" 10K asked. 

"I don't see anything." I admitted sadly. 

"Look, it's right here." He tried to point out and outline the shape of our baby for me, but it didn't help me at all. I still saw nothing. 

"I still don't see it." I cried. What did he see in there? How did he get a baby out of all that? 

"Would you like to know the gender?" The doctor asking, interrupting our moment, which made me glare at him. 

"No." I stated, keeping the glare on my face. 10K looked at me in confusion. 

"Why not?" 10K asked. 

"We've waited this long. This baby should be here soon, right?" I asked. 

"In a couple more months." The doctor confirmed. 

"A couple months?" My eyes widened, looking down at my huge stomach. I still had a couple months? I already looked like I was going to pop. How did I still have that long to go?

The doctor nodded, chuckling lightly. I narrowed my eyes at him again. 

"Okay, I'm leaving." I stated, sitting up unsteadily. 

"Woah, Chris, wait." 10K tried to stop me. I turned my glare to him. He shrank back slightly. 

"I want to leave." I said more firmly. 

"But you didn't get to see it." 10K reminded. 

"God, I don't like you sometimes." I snapped as I stood from the bed. "No, I didn't get to see it. I can't. You know why, 'cause obviously I'm a horrible mother." I walked out of the room, slamming the door behind me. 

"Chris!" 10K ran after me, shutting the door more carefully than me. "Chris, wait." He stopped me. 

"What?!" I exclaimed. 

"Hey, you're not a horrible mother. I almost missed it too. It was hard to see. Besides, whether or not you could see it in the ultrasound, you are going to be an amazing mother. You are sweet, and loving, and protective, like a mother should be... You are nothing like your mother." 10K tried to assure me.

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