Chapter 15

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Ellen POV

I was so shocked by his sudden presence that I could not believe his coming.

"Am I dreaming? It could not be you, is not it?"

"It's me, Ellen, I'm James, sorry if it's been gone and makes you think if I died in the accident"

"Why did you just show up now ?! Where have you been all this time ?!"

"At the time of the accident there was someone who saved me, she was a doctor who had been kind enough to take care of me until I got better, sorry if I've only seen you right now, I still love you"

I could not hold back my tears when I heard his confession that made me feel guilty.

"Do you know how it feels to live in regret? Every day I feel guilty has made you miserable. It turns out you who have been so mean to me!"

Suddenly James knelt before me and asked for forgiveness from me.

"I'm sorry, Ellen! I promise not to make you suffer! Please forgive my mistake"

I honestly can not bear to see it. Especially in my little heart, there is still love for him. I told him to get up.

"Will you take me back into your life?"

I was very surprised by James's question. Moreover, considering my pregnant condition, I can not seem to hurt him if he finds out I'm pregnant with another man.

"I'm sorry, James, I can not take you back. My life has started to change ever since you disappeared, please leave now!"

Suddenly I felt so dizzy that I fell unconscious.


When I woke up, I saw James beside me. I was very surprised to see his presence.

"Finally you wake up. I'm very worried about you"

"Why are you still here?"

"I can not leave you alone here."

"You better get out of here"

"What if I do not want to go?"

"What do you want? I've said if I do not want to come back with you"

"Ellen, you should remember that we're not officially divorced yet. I'll never leave you."

"Then I'll take care of our divorce papers!"

"Why do you really want a divorce? Is there another man in your heart?"

I'm just silent without answering James's question.

"You better go! I do not want to see you!"

"Well if that's what you want, but you must remember if I will never want to part with you because I love you so much"

Finally James left me. There was no tears in my cheeks. I can not bear the pain in my heart. It was enough with James's presence to bring a wound in my life


Raul POV

I'm so grateful that Anne is getting better. Although she does not know until now she miscarried.

"Why am I here?"

"You fell off the ladder"

"My God, what about my child? Is it okay?"

I just paused without answering her question.

"Raul, why are you silent ?! Answer my question!"

"Actually you are ....."

I had not had time to answer, the doctor came to check on Anne's situation.

"Doctor, please tell me the truth about my condition"

"Sorry Mrs. Larson, you have a miscarriage"

" Impossible!"

Anne was crying and shouting irrespective of the people around her. I tried to calm her down but in vain.

Anne could not accept the fact that she had a miscarriage. It felt like my heart was in pain to see her suffer.

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