“That must be my guest now!” Cher said jumping up and running to the door. She quickly answered it. “There’s my favourite crazy red headed bitch!”
I immediately knew who it was...It was fucking Kathy Griffin!
“Follow this you bitches!” I heard Kathy say in her bad Cher impression.
“Shut the fuck up Kathleen you crazy bitch. C’mon there’s someone I want you to meet properly cause she’s awake! She’s in the living room.” Cher then led Kathy into meet me. Cher then stood next to me and put her arm around me. “This is Emily...My daughter! Well she will be as soon as we get back to Malibu and fill out the papers.”
“Holy Shitballs! She looks just like you! Are you sure she’s not your daughter?” Kathy said laughing.
“I’m sure!” Cher laughed and winked at me.
“So what are we going to do tonight?” I asked.
“Well I’m going to take you and this crazy bitch out to dinner then we will see where the night will take us.”
“I’m no crazy bitch!” Kathy said in her Cher impression. She then threw her hair back and licked her lips.
“You just proved my fucking point bitch!” Cher winked at Kathy. We all started laughing. “C’mon let’s go! The limo should be waiting!” Cher then grabbed my hand and pulled me to the door. Kathy followed behind us. “Do you have everything babe?” Cher said grabbing our coats.
“I think so mom.” I said.
“She’s already calling you mom and you haven’t even adopted her yet!” Kathy said.
“So? The problem is?”
“She has been a better mother in the 2 days I’ve been with her than my real mother has been in 16 years!” I said with tears filling my eyes. Kathy looked at Cher and Cher looked at me and saw that I was about to cry.
“Don’t cry babe.” Cher gave me a big hug and kissed my head lightly. “For one thing you will mess up your make-up!”
I giggled slightly. “I’m fine! C’mon let’s go!”
We all then left to go to dinner.
“Em? Should I order for you?” Cher said after seeing the confused look on my face as the menu was in Italian.
“Yes please! I have no clue what any of it says.” I replied.
“I can tell by the look on your face.” I giggled.
The waiter then came over and took our order. He also asked both Kathy and Cher for their autograph because he was a big fan.
All that went through my head when that happened was ‘OMC I’m with two celebrities! One of them is my all time idol who I adore and who I’m going to live with, in her house and she’s going to become my adoptive mother! The other is a downright funny woman who I think is one of the best comedienne’s ever!!’ by this point I was daydreaming. I was daydreaming about living with Cher and being her daughter. I smiled. Kathy saw.
Kathy kicked my leg which made me snap out of my dream. I looked up at her and she mouthed to me “Why are you smiling?”
I mouthed back “Nothing, don’t worry!”
Unfortunately Cher saw that me and Kathy were mouthing to each other and became inquisitive “What are you two mouthing about?”
“Nothing.” I said quietly.
“Well...” Kathy began. “She started randomly smiling. I think she was daydreaming.” I glared at Kathy. “Ooooh if looks could kill!” Kathy laughed.
“What were you daydreaming about babe?” Cher asked nudging me.
“Em, tell me!”
“It’s nothing!”
“You’re impossible!”
“I know!” Cher laughed and gave me a hug.
We continued talking until our food arrived. Cher had ordered me and herself some macaroni which was gorgeous.

The Depth of Fate ~on hiatus ~
Fantasy~Dreams do come true~ My Cher Fantasy Fan Fiction ~currently on hiatus as I have other things im working on~