The man who was singing appeared from nowhere. It was Meat loaf! I looked at Cher who was holding my hand. She winked at me and squeezed my hand. I then turned back to face Meat loaf.
“Cher told me it’s your birthday. Happy birthday!” Meat loaf said to me.
“Thank you!”
Cher then spoke. “I’ve asked meatloaf to come today to surprise you and because I want you two to do a duet or 2 on the album. Me and Meat have already talked about it.”
“We thought it would be a really good idea. So what do you think” Meat loaf said.
“What songs will we do?”
“Well choose 3 songs and we will do them.”
“I want to do couldn’t of said it better and dead ringer for love. Give me a few minutes to think of the last one.”
“Alright.” Meat loaf said to me.
*A minute later*
“I’ve had an idea!” I said.
“What’s that babe?” Cher said to me.
“Well…you and Meat loaf could sing paradise by the dashboard light together for the last song.”
Cher looked at Meat loaf and said “I’m willing to do it if you are.”
“Ok let’s do it! It will be fun singing with you again!” Meat loaf said.
“Is there a chance we could sing a song today? It’s always been my dream to sing a duet with my two all time favorite singers and one of my dreams have come true.” I said.
“Who are your two all time favorite singers?” Cher asked me.
“Well Meat loaf and…” I then mumbled “you.”
“Who was the last one?” Cher knew my answer but she still asked.
Cher smiled and hugged me “You are my all time favorite singer.”
“I love you mom!” Cher kissed my head.
“I love you too babe!”
“So which song would you like to sing right now?” Meat loaf asked me.
“Can we sing…ummm…Dead ringer for love? It’s my favorite song!”
“Is it because of any particular reason? Your mother by any chance?”

The Depth of Fate ~on hiatus ~
Fantasy~Dreams do come true~ My Cher Fantasy Fan Fiction ~currently on hiatus as I have other things im working on~