*A week and a half later*
Me and Cher had been in the studio nearly everyday and we recorded baby don’t go. We only had 3 songs left to record.
It was the 23rd February. It was my 16th birthday.
I was still asleep at 10am when Cher came in my bedroom with breakfast. She then climbed into bed next to me.
“Wakey, wakey birthday girl.” Cher said nudging me.
I mumbled random sounds.
“C’mon babe I’ve brought you breakfast and I have some presents for you!”
“You didn’t need to get me anything!”
“I know but you are my daughter and I wanted to! C’mon eat your breakfast.”
So I quickly ate my breakfast.
While I was eating Cher received a phone call.
I heard her say “Hello…oh hi…we can’t…it’s her birthday…but why today…ok…alright I will see you later…bye!” she hung up.
“Mom, what was that all about?”
“I’m sorry babe but we have to go to the studio this evening because there is a problem with one of the tracks. Did you just call me mom?”
“Yeah I did.” I smiled.
“I love you.”
“I love you too! Why do we have to go in TODAY?”
“I’m not sure but they said it shouldn’t take very long.”
“Alright.” I sighed.
“I know what will cheer you up. Give me a few minutes and I will be back in.”
“Ok.” Cher then kissed my head.
“Happy birthday baby girl.”
“Thank you.” I hugged her. Cher then walked out and left me sat on my bed. I decided to log into twitter and I checked my notifications. I only had 3. 1 from each of my closest friends. While I was on twitter I had another notification come through. It said ‘Happy birthday to my wonderful daughter @Emilylovescher. Love you babe. Xoxo me.’ It was from Cher. I looked at it and smiled. I replied back ‘thank you im looking forward to spending the day with you. Love you too xoxo.’ I then got a flood of notifications through. I decided to turn twitter off and I went on facebook, which was the first time I went on since I ran away. I had loads of messages, mostly from Eronwy. I also had a few notifications. I looked at them and there were a few saying ‘I miss you’, there were a few saying ‘where are you’ and there were a few saying happy birthday. I decided to set a status saying ‘Hello everyone, I am fine. Well more than fine. When I ran away I ran to Chicago where I met the most amazing person ever and now she has adopted me and I live in Malibu. My mom is now Cher and if you don’t believe me check HER twitter. Follow this you bitches. She is an amazing and kind and caring person who loves me! I miss most of you but I am NEVER coming back because of what was happening to me. Love you guys xoxo.’ I then posted the picture of Cher and Rob kissing my cheek. I set my profile picture as the picture I had in my locket and I set my timeline cover as a picture of me, Cher and Kathy.

The Depth of Fate ~on hiatus ~
Fantasía~Dreams do come true~ My Cher Fantasy Fan Fiction ~currently on hiatus as I have other things im working on~