I reached the bottom of the stairs. I saw Cher making out with the visitor. When I saw that the man grabbed Cher’s ass I coughed. I heard Cher go “Shit!” and laugh. She then grabbed the man’s hand and turned him around.
It was Robert Camilletti. Cher spoke.
“Well it’s fantastic that you can finally meet! Rob this is my soon-to-be daughter Emily and this is my boyfriend Robert Camilletti.”
Rob kissed my cheek then said “I’ve been dying to meet you since the moment Cher told me about you.”
“It’s great meeting you. Random question. How long have you been dating?” I asked.
“Well…about…6 months.” Cher said.
“Yes 6 wonderful months.” Rob kissed Cher on the lips.
“Ok ewww.” I said and Cher laughed.
“C’mon give me a break I’ve not seen him in about…24 hours.”
“C’mon girls let’s go to dinner because I'm hungry.” Rob said.
“Alright.” I said. Rob then put his arm around Cher’s waist and Cher grabbed hold of my hand. We walked out of the house and got into the limo.
In the limo Cher was sat in the middle with rob’s arm around her waist. Cher was holding his hand and had her rested her head on his shoulder. They looked so sweet together. You could tell they were in love. It was a picture of pure happiness.
We got to the restaurant and Cher unwillingly pulled herself from Rob’s arms. She kissed him really romantically before they got out of the limo. Once we were all out Cher grabbed both my hand and Rob’s hand and we all walked into the restaurant together. We sat down at a private table where no-one could disturb us.
“I’m so glad I have the opportunity to have dinner with the two people I love.” Cher said.
“I love you too baby.” Rob said leaning over to Cher and kissing her with tongue.
“Get a room you two!” Cher laughed and pulled away from Rob.
“Let’s order our food.”
“Ok.” We all then ordered our food.
While we were waiting for our food Cher and Rob couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Rob kept rubbing Cher’s thigh.
“I'm going to the bathroom.” I said.
“I will come with you hon.” Then both me and Cher stood up. “I will be back in a few minutes babe.” Cher kissed Rob.
“Hurry back.” Cher turned away from Rob and he pinched her ass. Cher jumped and giggled. Cher then put her arm around me and we walked to the bathroom.

The Depth of Fate ~on hiatus ~
Fantasy~Dreams do come true~ My Cher Fantasy Fan Fiction ~currently on hiatus as I have other things im working on~