*One week later*
Rob and Cher’s relationship was going as strong as ever and Rob moved in with us. Me and Cher had recorded after all and re-recorded for good. I also recorded you haven't seen the last of me. I started getting quite excited because it was my sweet 16th in two weeks. It was 1pm.
“Babe Rob is taking us both out to dinner tonight at 5pm so you will have to look nice. I will pick out a dress for you and I will do your hair and make-up.” Cher said to me.
“Thank you so much.”
“And we don’t have to go to the studio today. They said we could take the day off because we’ve been working so hard.”
“Ok I’m going to have a bath and then you can sort out my hair and make-up.”
“Alright babe. I will choose your dress and I will set it on your bed. Don’t dry your hair when you get out of the bath just wrap your hair up and put the dress on.”
“Ok I will talk to you in a bit.” I then walked into my bathroom.
*2 hours later*
I had a TV in my bathroom so I watched a DVD until it finished. Once the DVD finished I washed myself and quickly got out of the bat. I wrapped my hair up in a towel and put my dressing gown on. I went out into me bedroom where I found a package on my bed. There was a note on top of it. It said ‘I want you to wear this to dinner. Come and find me when you have it on.’
I opened it and found a dress like the one Cher wore in moonstruck when Loretta went to the opera. I sat and stared at it for a few moments. I then put it on and looked in the mirror. I then went to find Cher.
“Cher?” I called.
“Yes babe?”
“Where are you?”
“I’m downstairs. Go into my bathroom and sit down. I will be up in a second.”
“Ok.” I then walked into Cher’s bathroom and sat in front of the mirror. All of Cher’s make-up and hair products were laid out on the side ready to be used. Cher then came up with someone following her. Cher was already ready.
“Em, this is Lexie. She is going to do your hair and make-up.”
“Why do I need all this done?”
“Because you do!” She was defiantly hiding something but I just brushed it off.
“Ok and thank you for the dress. I love it!”

The Depth of Fate ~on hiatus ~
Fantasy~Dreams do come true~ My Cher Fantasy Fan Fiction ~currently on hiatus as I have other things im working on~