The film finished. There was a big smile on my face.
“We will be home soon!” Cher said squeezing my hand.
“I know I'm so excited!” I squeezed her hand back.
“We don’t have enough time to go to sleep or watch another film. So what do you want to do?”
“Let’s talk so you can get to know me better.”
“Ok that sounds like a good idea!”
“So what do you want to know?”
“Well…other than me what artists do you like to listen to?”
“Well I like listening to…Ummm…musicals like rocky horror picture show and I like listening to Meat loaf and Patti Russo.”
“They are both awesome; I had fun working with both of them.”
“Oh yeah you did dead ringer with Meat loaf and you were at Caesars with Patti.”
“Yeah. What is your favorite non-Cher song at the moment?”
“It would have to be Defying Gravity or For good by the original cast of wicked which was Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenoweth, or I would be Cool rider by Michelle Pfeiffer in grease 2 or it would be touch-a-touch me by Susan Sarandon in rocky horror.”
“My two co-stars in witches of Eastwick.”
“I love that film!”
“It was really really fun to make!! What is your favorite Cher song?”
“At the moment it is you haven't seen the last of me.”
“I love that song so much!”
We were talking right up to the point before we landed in LAX. When the pilot said that we were about to land I grabbed hold of Cher’s hand and squeezed it because I was scared again.
“It’s going to be ok baby girl! I promise!”
The decent was quick and I was glad to be on the ground. We got out of the plane and there was a limo already waiting. We quickly hopped into the limo.
“How long is it going to take?”
“About 45 minutes.”
“I’m gonna try and sleep some more.”
“Ok babe I will wake you up 5 minutes before we arrive home.”
“Ok I'm going to put in my music so you will have to nudge me.”

The Depth of Fate ~on hiatus ~
Fantasy~Dreams do come true~ My Cher Fantasy Fan Fiction ~currently on hiatus as I have other things im working on~