Chapter 23

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We got home by 5pm.

“Baby girl we have 4 hours and then we having a small party with some friends and the family. Do you want me to do your make-up?” Cher said.

“Yes please!” I said.

“If you want you can go through my wardrobe and choose any outfit you want. You can wear anything apart from my turn back time and half breed outfits.”


Rob then said “I have to go out for about an hour and a half to 2 hours and then I will come back and celebrate with you guys.”

“Ok Rob.” I said.

“I’m going to get changed now so I will be ready when I get back.”

“Alright. I’m going to have a shower to get rid of the salt water out of my hair.”

“Ok honey, we are going to have one quickly as well. I will call you in when I'm dressed.” Cher said.

“Alright mom, have fun!” I knew what they were going to do so I just left her and Rob and went up to my room and hopped into the shower.


I was in the shower for 15 minutes because I was trying to take in everything that had happened in the last day. After I got out of the shower I put my dressing gown on and I sat on my bed and went on twitter. I had loads and loads of mentions all saying happy birthday. I also saw that my followers had shot up. I decided that I was going to post a tweet. I posted ‘Thank you everyone for the awesome birthday message. I'm having a wonderful day with my new mom. Having a party later with friends and family.’ I then logged into Facebook where I had a lot of friend requests. I only accepted friend requests from people I knew. I had requests from Chaz, Patti Russo, Kathy Griffin, Meat Loaf and a few of my school friends. I also saw a request from my birth mother. I just denied the request and I also blocked her from sending me any other requests. I set a Facebook status saying ‘Having a fantastic birthday with my mom Cher. I got some CD’s, LP’s, an iPad, a laptop, a new car and driving lessons. I’m a very very lucky girly. We are having a party to celebrate my 16th birthday. I will try and upload some pictures if mom will let me. I love my new mom Cher. She is such a kind, caring, loving, amazing, wonderful and an awesome person and I am so lucky to have her take care of me and have her there for me when I need her. She doesn’t realize how much I love her.’

Just as I posted the status Cher called into me.

“Babe, I’m ready for you to come in and choose your dress and I can do your make-up.”

“Ok mom. I’m just coming.” I put my phone down on my bedside table. I then walked into Cher’s room. Cher was wearing a tight fitting black dress that fell to just above the knee. It was beautiful. She looked really sexy in the dress.

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