We were playing for what felt like a very short time when I looked at the time.
“Shit…” I said.
“What’s wrong babe?” Cher asked.
“It’s almost 3:30am.”
“Alright. I have one more dare for you all to do…”
“What’s that?”
“All jump in the pool at the same time with your PJs on and I will take a picture .”
“C’mon let’s go.” We all then got up and went downstairs. Me, Eronwy and Erin all jumped in the pool at the same time as Cher took a picture on my phone. Once we did that Cher went to wake up Rob and get dressed while we dried off, got dressed and while Eronwy and Erin packed their stuff. It didn’t take long for them to pack their stuff up because most of it stayed in their suitcases.
There was a knock at my door.
“Is it alright if I come in?” rob asked from behind the door.
“Sure we were just about to ask if you could help us with the suitcases.” I said. Rob came in.
“Cher is just in the shower she will be out in a few minutes but she told me to tell you that there is breakfast downstairs for you. I will take the suitcases down for you guys.”
“Thank you Rob.” Both Eronwy and Erin said.
“No problem.” Me, Erin and Eronwy all then went downstairs and had some breakfast. We were shortly joined be Rob then after a while Cher came down.
“How have you enjoyed your stay?” Cher asked.
“I loved it especially this morning.” Erin said.
“Same it’s been fun staying with you!” Eronwy said.
“It’s been fun having you!” Cher said “You both have to say again sometime!”
“Yes you do!” I said.
Rob then said “We are going to have to go soon or you will miss your flight! I’m going to put the suitcases out in the car. I will meet you out there.”
“Thank you Rob.” Eronwy said. Rob then grabbed the suitcases and went out to the car.
“Does everyone have everything?” Cher asked.
“I think so.” Erin said.
“Well let’s go then!” We went out and we all got into my car. Rob drove us. Cher sat in the front and I sat in the back between Erin and Eronwy. Me, Erin, Eronwy and Cher all fell asleep in the car on the way because none of us had gotten any sleep because we were playing truth or dare.

The Depth of Fate ~on hiatus ~
Fantasy~Dreams do come true~ My Cher Fantasy Fan Fiction ~currently on hiatus as I have other things im working on~