Chapter 9

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We got to the airport at 10am and I started to feel really nervous because I had never been on a plane before. Cher sensed that I was nervous and she put her arm around me and said “It will be fine. I will be with you the whole time!”

We then quickly got on Cher’s private jet. We both sat down on a couch and she held my hand. Just as we were about to take off I started crying hysterically.

“What’s wrong baby girl?” Cher asked me.


“Of what?”

“I’ve…I’ve never…never been on a…a plane!”

“It’s ok babe. I was petrified when I flew. Sonny…” she hesitated “…Son practically pushed me onto the plane.” A tear rolled down Cher’s cheek but she didn’t let me see it and she hid it really well.

When we took off I squeezed Cher’s hand really hard but as soon as we were in the air I was fine and I let go of Cher’s hand.

“Are you alright now babe?”

“I think so but I am going to try and sleep cause I'm really tired.”

“Do you wanna stay here or go lie down on the bed?”

“I'm gonna stay here cause I'm still scared shitless!”

“Language missy!” Cher nudged me.

“I learn from watching your films.”

“So you learn from the best!” we both laughed.

“I suppose I do. Also you did swear in the take me home tour when you were Laverne and your 4 year old son was there!”

“Oh yeah…wait a second…how do you know that?”

I mumbled “Because I'm a huge Cher fan and I may have seen all your films and all the concerts you did for TV starting with the take me home tour live in Monte Carlo and I went and saw you live at Caesars palace in 2008.”

“You are a big fan aren’t you?”

I nodded my head. I then said “I'm going to try and sleep now cause I'm really tired.”

“You can put your head on my lap if you want and I can go get you a blanket and pillows.”

“Yes please.”

“Alright let me quickly grab the stuff and I will be back.”

“Ok.” And she walked out to get the stuff. While she was out of the room I looked at my locket and at the picture inside. I was so happy. I got out my iPod and put one of the headphones in and pressed play on my music. Cher then came back and I put my head on a pillow that was on her lap and I wrapped up in the blanket. It didn’t take me long to fall asleep after that.


*1 and ½ hours later*

I woke up, sat up and looked around. Cher was asleep. I got up and checked the time. It was 12pm so I guess it was 10am in Malibu. Cher woke up when she felt me moving.

“Did you sleep alright babe?”

“Yeah I did. Thank you for staying with me.”

“You’re welcome Hun. As I said in the card I will always be there if you’re sad or scared.”

“I know you will.”

“I'm hungry! Let’s get some food cause we skipped breakfast.”

“I'm hungry too!”

“C’mon then let’s go find something then.” She grabbed my hand and pulled me to a small room. It had a fridge, some counter space, a cooker, a kettle and a microwave. She opened the fridge and grabbed out some bread.

“Do you want cheese, jelly, PB&J or chicken?”

“PB&J sounds good!”

“My favorite!” Cher winked at me.

“How long will it take to get to LAX?”

“It usually takes about 4 hours. So we can put a film on for a bit or we can go back to sleep for a bit.”

“Let’s watch a film!”

“Alright. Why don’t you go choose the film, then you can set it up and I will bring your sandwich in to you after I'm done.”

“Ok.” So I walked out of the small room. I then found where she kept the DVDs and chose my favorite film…Moonstruck! I put the DVD in the DVD player and set it up. I then sat down.

Cher came in holding two plates, two cans and a bowl of popcorn.

“Here you go babe.” She then handed me one of the plates and a can of Dr Pepper.

“Trust you to have Dr Pepper!”

Cher laughed and sat down next to me “What are we watching?”

“Well watch and you will find out!”

“Press play then!” then I pressed play on the remote and that’s amore started playing. “I love this film,” Cher then appeared on the screen, “but I don’t like that actress she’s a bitch. Though she did win a fucking Oscar for this film.” Cher winked at me.

“Well she is my most favorite actress ever and she is NOT a bitch! She is the most amazing and kind and caring person ever and she’s awesome and I love her!” Cher hugged me. I put my head on Cher’s shoulder and Cher rested her head on my head and we watched moonstruck together.

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