Waiting at the coffee shop was Cher, Rob and my friend Ellie. I ran over and gave Cher and Ellie a hug then I spoke to Ellie.
"What are you doing here?" I asked Ellie.
"Two words. Star. Trek!"
"Trust you!" I laughed. "I miss our conversations we had about Star Trek!"
"So do I!"
"How did you know I was going to be here?"
"Eronwy texted me earlier and told me you were here."
"How long are you here for?"
"3 more days. By the way Happy birthday for yesterday!"
"Thank you Ellie. Let's all go sit down at a table then I can catch you up on things such as my beautiful and wonderful new mom."
"You are more beautiful!" Cher said.
"Yeah In my dreams." Cher laughed "Oh yeah Ellie this is my new mom. Mom this is my friend Ellie."
"Hello Ellie. I'm Cher."
"Hi Cher. It's nice meeting you!" Ellie then turned to me and said "Well I guess your dream of meeting Cher came true but didn't end up going as expected."
"It ended better!" I smiled.
"C'mon let’s all go sit down and talk for a bit." Cher said.
Then me, Cher, Rob, Eronwy, Erin and Ellie went into the coffee shop and we all sat down around one table. In the corner of my eye I saw a group of people who I recognized. I turned to look and it was 6 members of the star trek voyager cast. It was Kate Mulgrew, Robert Beltran, Robert Duncan McNeill, Robert Picardo, Jeri Ryan and Garret Wang. I looked away, smiled, shook my head, laughed slightly and took a sip of my drink that Rob just got me.
"What?" Eronwy asked.
"Only Ellie would understand." I said.
"Huh?" Ellie said.
"Oh and Erin might understand as well."
"What are talking about?" Erin asked me.
"Look over in that corner." I said pointing in the direction of the Star Trek cast.
"OH MY GOD! Can I die?" Ellie said to me.
"Who is it?" Cher whispered in my ear.
"It's the star trek voyager cast, well part of it." I whispered back.
"Oh I recognize them now."
Suddenly Kate Mulgrew got up and walked toward us. She then said to Cher "Hi my name is Kate Mulgrew. Me and my friends were wondering if we could trouble you for a photo because we are quite big fans of your work."
"Sure! I was also wondering if you guys would take a photo with my daughter and her friends because they are quite big Star Trek fans."
"Sure! Oh and Emily, Happy Birthday for yesterday!" I almost queened out on her.
"Thank you." I managed to get out. I thought to myself 'OMC Captain Janeway knows my birthday!'
We then got up and we took some pictures. The voyager cast signed some stuff for us. We ended up all talking for a while when Jeri Ryan said "Would you guys like to come to lunch with me and a bunch of the Star Trek cast members on Monday?"
"Well Eronwy and Erin are flying home tomorrow morning and I don't know when Ellie is leaving but Me, Emily and Rob would love to come!" Cher said.

The Depth of Fate ~on hiatus ~
Fantasy~Dreams do come true~ My Cher Fantasy Fan Fiction ~currently on hiatus as I have other things im working on~