Chapter 19

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I woke up the next morning at 6am. I went downstairs in my PJ’s and found Rob and Cher curled up asleep on the couch in the clothes that they were wearing last night. They looked so sweet together. It was a picture of perfect happiness. I let them sleep and I went into the kitchen. I made myself a cup of tea and got something to eat. I took it back up to my room and I played on my new Iphone. I went onto twitter and I had a look at Cher’s tweets. Her last tweet said ‘Today was one of the happiest days of my life and I got to spend it with my favorite people.’ She posted pictures of me, her and Rob from my surprise 16th birthday party. She posted pictures of us standing normally and the one with both of them kissing my cheek. She also posted some of the silly photos we took in the limo. Her lovelies started asking who I was and weather she was dating Rob. Her answer was ‘Emily is an amazing girl and she is my daughter (I adopted her) and me and Rob are really good friends. Anyway I’m really tired so night.’

I thought to myself ‘so the whole world knows I am Cher’s daughter. I wonder what the lovelies will think of me.’ I looked at the list of people she was following and I saw that she was following me and Eronwy. I guess that’s how she got into contact with her.

After a little while I fell asleep.


I woke up when Cher came up to my room and said to me,

“Wake up sleepy head it’s 11am. The family will be round at 3pm.”

I just moaned and looked at Cher. She had been in the shower because her hair was wet. “I have a slight headache.” I said sitting up.

“It’s probably from the alcohol you drank last night. Last night was full of surprises, wasn’t it?”

“Yes it was! Can I have a look at the ring?”

“Yes sure you can!” Cher then held out her left hand. I looked at the ring. It was beautiful.

“Wow it’s so beautiful!”

“Just like the woman who is wearing it and the one who I am going to marry.” Rob said stood in the doorway.

“You must be marrying someone else then.” Cher said playfully.

“I’ve got eyes for you and only you.” Rob said walking over to Cher. He kissed her.

“Do you really have to do that in here?” I said.

“My lips, my fiancée, my house, my rules!” Cher said.

“It sounds strange you saying fiancée instead of boyfriend but it defiantly sounds better.” Rob said.

“I love you both so much!” Cher said hugging us both.

“And we love you too.” Rob said.

“Ok we cannot tell anyone we have gotten engaged yet because I really want to surprise the family tonight.” Cher said to me and Rob.

“Alright but how are you going to tell them?” I asked.

“I am just going to spring it on them when they least expect it.”

“Ok. So what are we going to do today?”

“Well I was thinking we could go for a swim in my pool.”

“Sounds like a good idea!”

“I’m going to go put on my costume why don’t you do the same.”

“Alright. I will meet you down in the pool.” Then both Rob and Cher left me to get changed.

I found my swimming costume after a few minutes of searching. It was a bikini. It was a stripy halter neck and it looked really pretty. I quickly put it on. I then tied back my hair and walked downstairs to the pool where I found Cher and Rob already in it kissing.

I snuck up and jumped in the pool. Io made them jump because they weren’t expecting me to jump in.

“You made me jump!” Cher said to me.

“I wouldn’t of gotten your attention otherwise!”

“Fair point.” We all laughed. Cher then whispered into Rob's ear. She then said to me “Do you wanna play a game?”

“Sure what is it called?” Rob was swimming behind me.

“It’s called…TICKLE EMILY!” Rob then grabbed my arms and Cher started tickling me. I was trying to wriggle from Rob's arms but I had no success. After a few minutes Cher stopped tickling me.

I said to Cher “You know I'm gonna get you back for that when you least expect it.”

Cher just replied “BRING IT ON BITCH!” We all just laughed.


We were in the pool until 2pm which meant we only had an hour to get ready before the family arrives.

“I'm going to have a shower then I will get ready.” I said to Cher getting out of the pool.

“We are going to have one as well.” Cher said who was already out of the pool. Rob was hugging her from behind and was kissing her neck.

“Ok…Wait a second…EWWWWWW!”

“Go have your shower or we won’t be ready by the time everyone arrives!”

“Fine!” I then walked up to my bedroom and had a shower. I knew what Rob and Cher were doing so I just tried to forget about it.


I was completely ready by 2:30pm so I decided to go on my phone again. This time I looked through my contact list. It had Cher’s number in there. I had Chaz's, Elijah’s, Georgia’s, Georganne's and Rob's number. There was one other number on there. It was Eronwy’s. I wanted to text her. I was hesitant at first because I didn’t know what to say so I put ‘Heya Eronwy, its Emily. I hope you are doing ok. I miss you loads and loads. Xxxxxxxxxx’ I then played on a game on my phone until Cher came into my room and sat on the bed next to me.

“Hey babe, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing…” I looked like I was about to cry.

“Babe don’t lie to me. Tell me what’s wrong.”

“I miss Eronwy so much! She was…is my best friend.” I burst into tears. Cher cuddled me.

“C’mon babe, don’t cry! Why don’t you ring her?”

“I sent her a text.” I said slowly calming down.

“Ok that’s a start. Let’s go downstairs. Everyone should be here soon.”

“Alright.” I put my phone in my pocket, I held Cher’s hand and we walked downstairs.

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