Chapter 24

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Walking round the corner were my two best friends, Eronwy and Erin. i ran and hugged them both.

“I’ve missed you guys so much!” I said.

“We missed you too! Happy birthday babe!” Eronwy said holding out a gift.

“You didn’t have to get me anything! You being here is enough!” I said

“Well we didn’t really buy anything.” Erin said.


“Open it already!” Eronwy said. Everyone was watching. I opened my present slightly and knew exactly what it was. It was my customized copy of Cher's ‘the first time’.

“No way…How did you…” I started. Eronwy laughed.

“We knew where you kept it but there is more in the present so you will have to open it more.” Eronwy said.

I opened the present more and saw the printed off copies of the Cher collages I had done. As soon as I saw it I stopped unwrapping.

“You didn’t?” I said. Eronwy and Erin just nodded.

“What is your present baby girl?” Cher asked me.

“Nothing…” I said hiding the present.

“Emily! Don’t make tickle it out of you!”

“Fine here it is but I’m going to disappear now.” I said handing Cher the half open present and attempting to run off, but Rob managed to grab hold of me before I had the chance to run. Cher then unwrapped the rest of the present so she could see what it was.

“This is really awesome babe!” Cher said to me. “You are really talented!” she kissed my head.

“Thank you and Thank you Eronwy and Erin! For the present and for being here!”

“Don’t thank us, thank Cher and Rob! They planned and organized us coming here!” Erin said.

“Thank you so much you guys. I love you so much!” I gave them all a huge hug.

“I’m going to sort out the cake. Rob here is the camera. Take some pictures.” Cher said. I then went round introducing everybody to Erin and Eronwy.

Suddenly I saw a light coming from the kitchen. Cher then appeared with a beautiful cake lit with candles. Everyone started singing happy birthday. I managed to pick out two voices out of all of them and they were Cher's and Eronwy’s voice.

I blew out the candles and everyone cheered and hugged me.

I then cut the cake and we all had a piece. It was a chocolate fudge cake with white chocolate chips and which chocolate frosting, it was delicious.

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