Chapter 26

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After talking about the tour for a few more minutes we decided it was time to have some fun.

“How would you three like a go in the studio just randomly singing any song you want?” Cher asked.

“Sounds like fun!” Eronwy said. “Can we do Livin’ on a prayer by Bon Jovi?”

“Sure! Do you want to sing all the parts together?” Cher asked.

“Yes please. Can we all sing including you and Meat Loaf?”

“I’m up for it!” Meat Loaf said.

“Mom, what about you?” I said.

“Alright I’ll do it.” Cher said.

“Rob, What about you?”

“I can’t sing!” Rob said.

“C’mon please?”


“Please baby for me.” Cher said. Rob shook his head. “Please…” Cher then whispered into Rob's ear.

“Alright I’ll do it then.” Rob said. Cher then captures Rob's lips in a passionate kiss.

“C’mon let’s go into the recording booth and sing!” I said.

We all then got up and went into where the microphone was. Rob put his arm around Cher and pulled her in close. He whispered in her ear and she kissed him again. The music started and we all started sing. From where I was it sounded like a bunch of drunk people doing bad karaoke.


Once the song finished we all started laughing. We all then came out of the booth and we sat in the same places as we were when they told me about us touring. The sound guy then played back the recording. We didn’t sound as bad as we thought. We were all surprised at how good we sounded.

“I never expected that to sound so good!” Cher said.

“Neither did I!” I said “Can me and Eronwy do a song now?”

“Sure babe. What song would you like?”

I whispered “For good.” In Cher's ear.

“Alright. You two go stand by the mic and I will get the music started for you.”

“Thanks mom.” I then dragged Eronwy back into the booth.

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