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A poem I wrote for the soldiers. Soldiers of ANY country that die so their people can live...

Memories of men,

Cold and uncaring.

Where they were sent,

A white light is glaring.

What was the cause?

What was the purpose?

Did their leaders pause,

When they decided to hurt us?

Our brothers are gone,

Our sisters have fallen.

No hope for the dawn,

Their dreams are stallin.

Just want a better life,

For their family and friends.

A cold senator's knife,

They're a means to an end.

Stop all the killing,

And hatred spilling.

The graveyards are filling,

Endless hopeless billing.

We try so hard,

To show our support.

They have no credit cards,

And their lives are cut short.

And what's the reason,

They die and die?

Is it treason,

A heretical cry?


It's the whim,

Of a leader's mind.

Their futures grim,

In the soldier's bind.

But the bravery it takes,

To put your life on the line.

Our soldiers don't fake,

Or cry or whine.

The best of humanity,

Is dying in a ditch.

Payment for our vanity,

A demon's sales pitch.

We have to support them,

They're the greatest of us all.

Priceless human gems,

Without them, we would fall...

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