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Sixth Period
*Time skip brought to you by Daniel's Apple juice*

It's now lunch and I'm waiting in the lunch line to get my gruel that the school board calls food. There's no way in hell that this is edible. "Yo Gay boy  gonna go sit with those fags again? Of course you are, nobody else likes you!" Jake said with a laugh "Don't you have Bryan's dick to go suck or something, douche bag? I replied

I proceeded going to my usual table when I seen that Daniel was sitting there. I have my 3 friends who usually sit with me. Jonah, Jack, and Zach. They are like the only people that accept me for being bi. Jack and Zach are together. Jack's pansexual and zach's gay. Jonah's straight but he's very supportive and just chill overall.

I sat down and said hey to Daniel. He looked up at me with his pretty blue eyes, smiled and waved. "Im Corbyn, are you Daniel?" He nodded. I guess he doesn't talk. Maybe he's just shy. "Wanna be friends?" I ask him. I see him writing something on a piece of paper. He holds it up and it reads "Yes, my phone number is 123-456-7890. You are the nicest person I've met at this school so far. Thanks for being so nice to me when you don't have to!" so I pull out my phone and text the number as I say "no problem. I don't exactly have many friends anyway."

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